Interlude - A Glimpse of the Future

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Mordred and I finished working, and headed back to the inn for something to eat, before Mordred said that he wanted a nap. I wasn't surprised, seeing as he had worked very hard that morning, so I let him get some rest, before going to find Lancelot, to bring him some food. I met the knight on the outskirts of the village, where he was talking with a few of the other men, who were presumably also working on the new houses.

"Here, I brought you some." I said, passing him a few of the small sandwiches the innkeeper had made for Mordred and I. "Thanks, how was he?" Lance asked, starting to eat the food I'd brought him. I nodded gently, "Yeah, not bad, I can tell he's been working really hard to get better. I'm sure he'll progress nicely." I said, careful of what I was saying as the others were quite close to us and may be listening in. "That's good, are you going to continue this afternoon?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"I don't think he should do too much at once, seeing as it tires him out. I might just wander and see if anyone needs any help." I said as Lance finished eating. The knight nodded and waved over a few of the guys. "Ana, these are some of the men who are helping to build these houses, boys, this is Ana, the woman I'm travelling with." Lancelot explained, and I smile gently at the boys, a little cautious of them, but wanting to be kind nonetheless.

I bid goodbye to the boys, and they got back to the work they had been doing. Then I headed around the village, and managed to find a few women who were going out to get supplies, so I offered to help them, and spent the afternoon picking herbs and wild mushrooms with them, enjoying the feeling of being surrounded by women again. Then we headed back to the village and I went back to the tavern, and into the room we'd been given, smiling as I saw that Mordred was sitting on his bed, devouring one of the books we'd bought for him.

"Have a nice nap?" I asked, making the boy's head jump up and look at me, nodding quickly and smiling widely. "Yeah, I feel much better now." He said, making me smile and nod my head as I walked over to my bag, pulling out a book of my own. "We can read together until Lance gets back, and then we can get some food for dinner." I said, sitting on my bed and opening my book. There was a small dip next to me, and I looked up to see that Mordred had climbed onto my bed next to me, before snuggling into my side and reopening his book as though nothing had happened. I smiled, but didn't say anything as I turned my attention back to my book.

Lance returned shortly after this, and we all ate dinner together, before retreating to our room to get ready for bed, where Mordred wanted to watch me do some more magic, so I pulled the curtains closed and made small shapes out of the small amount of smoke from the small fire in the room, causing the young boy to giggle and try to play with the creations, although his hands went straight through them.

Mordred went to bed just as the sun was dipping below the horizon and Lancelot and I laid in our bed, talking about anything that came to our minds, enjoying the quiet. "I'm glad the boy came with us." Lance said, making my lips pull up gently as I turned slightly to see the small lump from which tiny snores were erupting. "Me too." I said, before leaning over and blowing out the candle on my bedside and shifting so that I was properly lying down, my back to the knight.

I fell asleep pretty quickly and found myself standing in a small clearing in the forest. There was a very small fire in front of me, and both my brother and Arthur were sitting around it. I smiled at the Prince, glad to know that he was alright after the tournament, and the spell appeared to have completely worn off. "Do you think we'll ever see her again, Amara?" Merlin asked in a small voice, staring at the flickering flames in front of her. "Yes, I know we will. Even if she returns as an angel." Arthur said confidently, keeping the last part to himself.

This made me smile gently. Arthur had obviously seen me when I had visited Camelot to rescue him, but he seemed to be confused about whether it was actually me, or just the enchantment making him see me. But I was glad that he still wanted to find me, even though I may have been there, and left on my own accord, again. "I know you want to find her as much as I do." Merlin whispered, and Arthur swallowed thickly before reaching into his bag and pulling out a small crystal.

"I can't guard this while I'm asleep, here." Arthur said, throwing it at Merlin and then lying down as if to go to sleep. "Neither can I." Merlin countered, making me sigh gently at my brother's inability to understand what Arthur was saying. "Who said anything about you sleeping?" Arthur said cheekily, before turning over and closing his eyes to fall asleep.

I moved a little closer to Merlin and sat next to him, watching as he touched the crystal. I gasped as I felt a wave of magic and saw a glimpse of the dragon who had advised me when I left Camelot, Kilgharrah, along with Camelot on fire and Merlin crying at something in front of him, which was not visible. I recognised this as a vision of the future and gasped as I was pulled out of both visions and back into the room Lance, Mordred and I were staying in. "Camelot's in danger." I whispered under my breath, taking deep breaths as I came to terms with what I had just witnessed.

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