Chapter 10 - Sweet Dreams

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I waved until I could no longer see the tents by the river as Lance and I rode away from the druids and towards the next town we were going to visit. I could feel my heart sink as I thought of Mordred's teary face as he clung onto me before we'd left. "Hey, Amara, we're coming back, you know that, and so does he." Lancelot said, making me smile gently and nod. Of course we were going to go back to him, and I knew that one day he would be able to join us and help out as well.

"I know, it's just horrible, having to leave him, I'm always worried that somethings going to happen and I won't be here for him." I explained, making Lance reach over and place a hand on my shoulder as best he could while we were both on horseback. "I'm sure that nothing will happen, and Meeri will protect him as best as he can. And it's like you said on our way to the camp, if he's in danger he'll always be able to find you." The knight said, making me sigh and nod my head in agreement.

We rode together for the rest of the day, occasionally commenting about a certain plant, or childhood memory that suddenly came to us, but mostly we rose in silence, and I thought about Camelot. I hadn't had a vision since I'd left Arthur with his mother, which to me, seemed like a good thing as it meant they weren't in any danger. However, I did wonder when the next time I would have one would be, I liked having them, so I knew that everyone was alive, and I knew better than most that there was always something dangerous going on in the capital city.

It took Lancelot and I two days to ride to the next town. Once we'd reached it, we had run out of food and water, so I was glad to get the horses into a stable where they could relax for the duration of our stay here. Lance and were allowed to stay in the one room their small inn had, and gave the owners more money than we were meant to, as the building looked as though it was about to fall apart.

Nothing much was going on in the town, and Lance simply helped with a few of the building repairs that were going on, while I took care of some of the children. "Hello!" One of the younger ones called, coming over and sitting down on the log next to me as I supervised them playing a game they had obviously made up together. "Hello, what's your name?" I asked, turning my full attention to the child. "I'm Oliver." He said proudly, making me smile and nod my head.

"Well, I'm Ana, nice to meet you." I said, holding my hand out to the young boy, who could be no older than ten. The boy took my hand and shook it enthusiastically. "Ana? I've never met anyone with that name before." He said, tilting his head to indicate he was thinking hard about my name. "Well, it's very uncommon, but I think your name is handsome, just like you." I said, ruffling his hair gently. "Oliver, you can come back now!" One of the other children called out, and the young boy jumped up and was about to run off when he turned back to me.

"I like you, you're nice." He giggled, making me smile and suppress my own laugh before he went off to join his friends. He was a sweet young man, and I was sure he would grow into a good, honest man. He reminded me a lot of Mordred, and also what I can imagine Arthur was like as a child. I always wondered what the future King was like as a child, and I could imagine him running through the castle, causing all sorts of trouble for his father.

"Is there nothing you can't do?" I heard a familiar voice call, causing me to turn around and smile at the knight I'd spent the last few months with, coming over and sitting where Oliver had just been sat. "I can't sword fight. Or mend buildings, not like you do." I commented, laying my head on his shoulder gently. "I reckon you could learn, with the proper teacher. And you could mend buildings with a few simple words." He said, making me blush and look down at my lap.

"I wouldn't want to outshine you." I said, making the knight chuckle and I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. "You already do." He said, making me shake my head, but not arguing back to him, knowing I wouldn't win. I watched the children closely and smiled as they ran around and had fun, not caring about anything or anyone. Lance got back up and said that he was going back to helping the other with some farming, so I went over and started to gather the children together, telling them that I would come back tomorrow and play with them then.

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