Chapter 6 - Beauty and the Beast Part 2

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I awoke with a start, taking a few deep breaths before coming to the realisation about what I had just seen and heard. Uther was getting married to someone who was enchanting him. I knew that I should help, but there was no way my magic was strong enough to help with fighting an actual person, and Caterina, or someone close to her, must have magic, so that they could enchant the King in the first place.

"Amara, is everything alright?" I heard a voice whisper, and I turned to see Lancelot looking at me in concern. It was then I realised that I was drenched in sweat as if I'd been having a nightmare, or close to it. "Yeah, I'm just going to get some fresh air." I said, pushing my blanket off me and standing up slowly.

I was about to leave when I heard movement behind me, and I turned to see that Lancelot had stood up and grabbed his sword. "I'll join you." He said, a kind smile on his face. I smiled back and opened the door, letting the knight walk out first.

We walked through the village in silence for a while, before I grabbed his hand and led him away from the houses and towards the river that we had always spent time at when we were children. "It's amazing here." Lancelot breathed out, and I smiled at him, letting go of his hand and reaching down and placing my hand over a slightly withering plant.

"Crescere." I said, and the plant shot up, a beautiful flower growing out of it. I was a light pink and I quickly leant down to pick it, then turned and held it out to Lancelot. "It's beautiful." He said, taking it from me and admiring it for a second before reaching over and placing it in my hair, just above my left ear. I blushed and looked down at my feet for a second. "It belongs with a beautiful woman." Lancelot whispered, and I smiled gently at him, looking up from my feet.

" Lancelot whispered, and I smiled gently at him, looking up from my feet

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"We should head back to the village." I whispered under my breath and Lancelot placed his hand in mine and led me back to the houses, where we met with Mordred and Mother, who were doing her daily jobs for the town. We split off and I went with Mordred to collect some water, my gaze remaining on the knight for a few seconds before I turned and walked with Mordred.

The three of us remained in Ealdor for two days, and on the last day Mordred and Lancelot went to put their bags on the horses as I filled mine with enough food for the journey. "You have grown so much since you left here for Camelot." Mother said, making me sigh and move over to her, wrapping my arms around her.

"I have learnt so much about myself." I whispered into her ear as she pulled me tighter. "I have been working on something in the last month or so, ever since you came here last. I hoped and prayed that you would return, so I made you this in the hope that you would." Mother said, letting go of me and opening the trunk that we owned. She pulled out a beautiful red dress that was fit for a queen and made of a beautiful fabric that looked way too expensive for mother to be owning.

I placed my hand over my mouth as she walked closer to me. "Where did you get the fabric for this?" I asked, taking the dress in my hands. "A merchant came through, said that he was having trouble selling, so I got it at half price. You deserve the world Amara, but this is all I can give you." She said, and my eyes started to fill with tears. "Your love means the world, mother. I'll put it on now." I said, and mother simply smiled, before leaving the house to let me change into the beautiful dress.

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