Interlude - Mordred's Call

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Lance and I walked through the woods on our horses, enjoying the simplicity after a few days of insanity. After we'd left Camelot, it had been a bit of a rush to get away from the main city, before we slowly made our way back to the town we had been staying in. It was silent most of the journey as I reminisced of all the wonderful times I had spent within the city walls, and of what Arthur must have been going through after the effects of the enchantment wore off.

I would assume that Merlin would also be confused as he knew how to break the curse, and had probably figured out that I was the only one who could break Arthur's enchantment, so it must have been very strange when Arthur returned back to normal after knowing that I can't have been there. Maybe going had been a mistake, but I knew that it had been the right thing to do, Arthur was still alive, and there was finally peace between the five kingdoms.

Once Lance and I had gotten back to the town, he started to help out some people, while I stayed holed up in our room, trying to comprehend what had happened over the past few days. Lancelot and I barely spoke, and I was worried that he was starting to grow distant because of my obvious, and growing, feelings for the Prince, when I knew that he cared for me in some respect. When we decided to leave the town I told myself that I would talk to the knight on the way. I wanted to make sure that our friendship hadn't been jeopardised, I really cared about Lancelot, and couldn't imagine doing this job by myself.

So as we walked I went through potential conversations in my head, trying to figure out the right way to bring up the conversation. I sighed as I realised there was no way to smoothly jump into the conversation, and I would just have to ask Lancelot straight up, making my heart pound against my skin a little harder. "Lance?" I asked, my voice coming out as a whisper, and feeling as though I was about to break.

The knight turned to me with questioning eyes, asking me if everything was okay. "Are we okay? I-I just feel as though we've not really spoken these past few days. I-If you want to stop travelling with me... all-all you have to d-do is say something." I said, stuttering out my sentence and looking down at Heaven's mane, playing with it anxiously as I waited for the knight to respond. "Oh, Amara, of course I want to keep travelling with you. I've told you before, I will stay with you until you decide you've had enough of me. I'm sorry about not speaking with you much, I just thought you might want some space after what had happened." Lance said, making me look up the night, who had no hint of kidding in his eyes. I smiled weakly and nodded.

Lance pulled his horse closer so that he was now riding alongside me. He placed his hand on mine and squeezed it gently. "Thank you." I whispered, holding onto his hand as well. We rode in a more comfortable silence, our hands still interlocked as we headed to the next town on our list.

When we reached a certain place on the path I pulled Heaven to a stop as a feeling of dread crept into my stomach. Something wasn't right, and my hand unknowingly went to my Druid necklace, fiddling with it gently. Then a sudden gust came from the trees, blowing through my hair and a stray but clear voice called out. "Ana!" It called, making me gasp and shoot my head up in the direction the wind came from.

"Amara, what is it?" Lance asked, turning his horse around to face the same direction as me. "Mordred." Was all I whispered before Lance's horse started to buck, probably getting frighty at the powerful magic that coursed through the air. Lancelot calmed his horse down as I gripped my necklace tighter and whispered into it, hoping that it would get a message to Mordred as he had given one to me. "Hold tight, we're coming." I whispered, before looking back at Lance, who had calmed his horse and was looking at me with a determined face, obviously understanding the severity of the situation.

"Lead the way." The knight said, and I nicked Heaven into a gallop, allowing her to lead the way towards where I prayed that Mordred would be. The two of us raced through the forest, as I urged Heaven to go as fast as she could through all the growth. "Amara! What's going on!" Lance called to me from his own horse. "I don't know! But Mordred's in danger!" I shouted back as we came across the clearing we'd last seen the druids in.

We both paused and brought our horses to a slow, and tears came to my eyes as I saw the ruins of the camp that had been so full of life not too long ago. I edged Heaven closer to the torn up campsite and I noticed there were a few bodies here and there. "Ana, help us!" I heard Mordred's voice, making me look up. "See if anyone's still alive, Mordred's close." I said to Lancelot, who nodded and dismounted his horse, making me take a deep breath before closing my eyes and kicking Heaven into a run.

We ran a little ways through the forest before I heard voices and some screaming. I pushed Heaven faster before we stopped at a clearing and there was a large group of knights, with some of the druids in their grasp. "Ana!" Mordred called, and one of the knights silenced the young boy. "Stop! He's just a child, none of these people have done anything to harm the king." I shouted, although I knew it would have very little effect on the knights, they wouldn't stop what they were doing.

"They practice magic, that is against the law." One of the knights called. I sighed and swung my leg over Heaven, sliding off her, landing on my feet and looking up at the group of people in front of me. A few of the knights moved their swords from where they were pointed towards the druids and pointed them at me instead. "Eant. Somnum incidere in. Hoc ne memineris." I muttered, looking up at the knights, who started to fall asleep where they were standing.

Once they were all completely asleep I raced over to Mordred, kneeling down and wrapping my arms around him. "You scared me so much." I whispered as the young boy clung onto me, obviously scared after that whole ordeal. "I knew you'd save me." Was all the boy whispered, as the druids around me started to heal each other, or break the bonds the knights had put them in. 

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