Chapter 9 - The Lady of the Lake

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A.N: This will probably have nothing to do with the actual episode of Merlin, simply because I love Freya and Merlin's relationship in this story and don't want to mess with it at all. Plus I want her to be the Lady of the Lake for later in the story 😉.

"Have you got everything you need?" Emma asked as Lancelot and I mounted our horses, preparing to leave their little village. "Yes, thank you so much for everything." Lancelot said, securing the final bag and mounting his own horse. "No, thank you for everything the two of you have done, you saved us, and I know the next place you visit will be glad to have you there." Tom said, making me smile at him.

I looked over at Lance, and he nodded gently, signalling that it was time for us to leave. "Goodbye." I said to the couple in front of me, secretly wishing them the best of luck for everything. "Bye!" Emma called, waving to us as we rode out of the village, the two disappearing from view as we entered the forest and started on our way to the next place that we would stay.

"I think that was rather successful." Lancelot commented from beside me after a short while of riding in silence. I giggled gently and nodded my head. "It was, wasn't it." I replied, and the two of us continued to ride beside each other. "And you're sure that you want to head to the next village, there's always enough time to turn around and head for the city." Lance checked for the millionth time that morning, making me roll my eyes gently in annoyance.

"Yes, I'm sure, I'm not ready for it. I don't want to fear for my life all the time." I answered, a clear tone of confidence running through my voice, hoping that it would convince the knight. "Alright, I just want to make sure that we're going what you wish." He said, making me glance at him as he checked the map to make sure we were heading in the right direction. "You know, I care about what you want to do as well. If there's anywhere you wish to go, I won't hesitate. You've done so much for me, you deserve to have something back." I said, making the knight look at me with a smile. "I'll be sure to tell you then." He responded, and I smiled before looking back in front of me, to the path we were following.

We rode together for the rest of the day, just talking. It was a wonder that we still found things to talk about together, seeing as we spent so much time together. But nothing was boring when it came to Lancelot, he was genuinely a joy to be around, and made me very happy, allowing me to forget about the turmoil of the past few months, and the intense pressure of being pulled away from my family.

This man was definitely someone that I would never get tired of being with, and I was so grateful that he was willing to stay with me, even though I knew that there was a large risk if I was ever caught practising magic in Camelot, as I could have my head chopped off with a single word from Uther. Lancelot was probably the most loyal man I've ever met, and if he wanted to I would follow him into the city to allow him to follow his dream of becoming a knight of Camelot.

"Amara!" I heard Lance call my name, and I realised that I had fallen behind slightly as Heaven had slowed down to a walk, and the knight was now a few metres ahead of me, looking back in concern. "Sorry, guess I was just too lost in thought." I said, kicking Heaven and getting her to trot over to the knight.

"Thinking about anything in particular?" He asked, making me blush gently and look away from him. "I-It's nothing, we should just keep moving." I said, and Lancelot gave me a suspicious look, but didn't question me as we started off again, towards the new town.

It was only a short journey to the next village over, and once we reached it, we found a safe place for our horses to stay as there was nowhere for them in the village, then found a lovely older woman who would take us in for a few nights. The villagers here made me think of Ealdor, as they were pretty isolated from the rest of the kingdom, and everyone said that they very rarely had guests.

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