Chapter 12 - The Fires of Idirsholas

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"Amara, just slow down, explain what happened." Lancelot said, grabbing my hands and stopping my pacing. I took a deep breath and organised my thoughts for a short while before answering the knight. "Something really bad is going to happen in Camelot. I saw Merlin having a vision of it, which meant I had a vision of it. And whatever it was involved the dragon that's being kept under the castle. I-I don't know when it's going to happen, just that it'll be in the future." I said, already panicking about what I was going to do about this issue.

"Hey, Amara, take a deep breath, you said it's in the future, which means that we have time, we can figure something out." Lancelot said, bringing me closer to him in a hug. I evened out my breathing and calmed myself down a little, before wrapping my arms around the knight. "We'll figure this out, we always do." Lance said, letting me go and making me nod, feeling a little better about this situation. "Okay, I said that I was going to go back to the boys and help them finish working, but I can stay here if you want." Lancelot said, but I shook my head. "No you should go, take Mordred with you, maybe he'll learn a thing or two, I just need some time to think." I explained, and I sat back down on the bed as the boys got ready for the day.

Lancelot left me with some food and I thought over everything that had happened in the vision. It was obvious that the dragon was either going to escape or be released in some way, and then attack Camelot, which was expected seeing as it had been trapped under there for twenty years and probably wasn't very happy with Uther. I pondered over what could be done, but I remembered reading that no human weapon could pierce a dragon's hide. However, I had read something about controlling dragons. I just couldn't remember what it was it had said.

I thought over it for a short while, before giving up and deciding that I wasn't going to figure it out, and that I would go for a ride so that I could clear my head. I left a note to the two boys and headed to the stables, getting Heaven and riding out into the woods, sighing at the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair. As I was riding there was a fell voice in the air, chanting some sort of enchantment, but I thought nothing of it. Once I had finished my ride I returned to the town and found Lancelot and Mordred training with their swords. I gave Heaven back to the stable boy and wandered over so that I was watching them.

There was a small crowd, and I could guess that some of the younger ones would ask to be taught once the two were finished sparring. Lancelot let Mordred beat him, causing the young boy to jump up in joy, happy that he had finally beaten the knight. A few of the boys jeered and clapped for the druid. I smiled and Mordred caught my eye, beaming at me happily. "I beat him!" He called, running over and wrapping his arms around my waist. I chuckled and nodded. "I saw, you were brilliant." I said, as the crowd began to disperse and Lancelot made his way over to me

"Are you feeling better?" He asked, and I nodded gently, letting him know that I was much calmer than before. We all wandered back to the inn, and sat down in the main area, a few people coming over and asking Lancelot where he leant how to fight like that, and I smiled at him proudly as he offered to teach the basics to anyone who wanted to learn. Morded sat beside me, and snuggled into my side as a few of the locals came over and spoke with us all.

We finished eating some lunch, and continued to chatter with the different people who were coming into the inn, either to get some food, or to just socialise with their friends. I ended up sitting on a table with a small group of locals, while Mordred was playing with some of the other children from the village a few metres away, and Lancelot was sorting some things out in our room, having wanted to get changed and then go for a ride himself.

"Oh, this is interesting, there was this man who came through here recently, around two days ago. Telling us that he was travelling into Camelot to inform the King that he had seen smoke rising from within the walls of Idirsholas." One of the men said, and everyone on the table shared sceptical, but worried glances with each other. I tried to think through everything that Gaius, or the geographical books of Camelot, had informed me of, but I simply didn't recognise the name.

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