Chapter 13 - The Last Dragonlord

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"Merlin and I travelled to Camelot around a year ago, mother sent us there together, and we thrived in the city, made many friends. I trained with the Court Physician, Gaius, and Merlin became Prince Arthur's manservant." I explained to the man sitting opposite me, who was hanging on to every word I was saying.

Once I had found out that the man in front of me was my father, I was overjoyed. He had asked me about mine and my brother's lives, and in return told me the story of how he had escaped from Uther's clutches and stumbled into Ealdor, where he had met our mother. He had told me his name was Balinor, and had very much intended to stay with my mother, especially after Merlin was born, however, before my mother could even tell him she was pregnant again, he had fled from the town due to Camelot guards storming the small town in search for him.

I quickly forgave him for leaving us, knowing that I had done a very similar thing, only a few months ago when I had left Camelot to protect not only myself, but my friends and family as well. It was my own reasoning behind not staying with my mother for too long, if she was caught with me there was a high chance she could be imprisoned, or even killed.

"So you've had a good life, both of you." Balinor asked, and I nodded slowly. "We've both lived our fair share of adventures. And now that I know who you really are, I must ask again. Please, go to Camelot, help them." I pleaded. While I wanted to get to know my father as much as possible, every moment he remained here was another moment Arthur would have to fend off a dragon with only his knights and Merlin beside him.

Balinor looked down and shifted slightly in his chair. I could tell he was still hesitant to agree to save the kingdom which had betrayed and turned on him, as well as making him flee his own family out of fear of capture. "I cannot go back there." He said through gritted teeth, and by the way his shoulders tensed up, it pained him to say that.

I sighed and allowed my own body to relax, feeling that even though he was my father, Balinor wouldn't risk his own life to return to the city which ruined him. An uncomfortable silence fell over us, and I put down the small cup of water my father had given me. "I should go." I whispered, knowing that if Balinor was needed, then Merlin would travel out here to find him, and I didn't want to be here when he arrived.

I stood up and wrapped my cloak more tightly around me, turning to head back out of the cave. "Wait! Don't go, I only just got you back." Balinor called, but I started walking out of the cave anyway. "You never even knew I existed, besides, I know I won't convince you. I have other business I need to deal with." I said in a soft voice, reaching the edge of the cave and spotting Heaven waiting for me only a few paces away.

"I'm sorry, truly I am." My father said, but I just shook my head. "No, don't apologise, I understand why you're doing this. Just promise me one thing." I said sternly, stepping forward to meet my father's eyes properly. "Anything." Balinor whispered out and I let my lips pull into a small smile. "When Merlin comes to ask you the same question, answer him correctly." I said, and I ignored the shocked look on my father's face, turning and walking over to Heaven, who nuzzled against me slightly as I reached her.

I stroked her muzzle, before lifting my eyes to glance at Balinor, who was now staring at me with an unidentifiable emotion in his eyes. I sighed and pushed myself off the ground, swinging my leg over Heaven's back so I was sitting comfortably on top of her. "And please, if he mentions me, don't tell him you've seen me." I said, and I could see the confusion in his eyes, before he tipped his head slightly in a nod. I smiled back at my father, who I knew I was unlikely to see again, and kicked Heaven into a run.

My eyes didn't leave my father until the trees covered my view of him, and I let out a shaky breath, tears springing to my eyes as I turned to face where Heaven was leading me. I had imagined meeting my father so many times before today, and never had I expected it to be anything like that. For a start, I had always pictured Merlin right next to me when I met him. I always thought that he would apologise over and over for leaving us, and begging my mother to take him back, and we could live as a happy family.

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