Interlude - Travelling

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I raced through the forest, laughing at the wonderful feeling of the wind rushing through my hair. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders as I reached the border of Camelot, happy that I was no longer in danger of being arrested by Uther, but also glad that I was going to see Lancelot and Mordred again. I feared that the knight would be really worried, considering I just bolted back there.

Heaven and I rode through the woods together for a little longer before we reached a river and Heaven stopped, walking over to the water slowly, making me understand that she wanted a break so I dismounted her. I watched as she drank steadily from the water and I removed my cloak from around my shoulders, allowing my wings to stretch out behind me. I groaned gently at the sensation of my muscles being pulled around because they hadn't moved in a while.

I sighed and Heaven came back over to me, nuzzling into me gently. I placed my cloak back over my shoulders and hopped back onto her. "Come on. Let's go home." I said, and my horse took off again, galloping in the direction of the Druid camp.

It took til sundown for us to reach the camp, and they had already lit the evening fire. Most of the Druids were standing around, but I could smell the food so I knew that dinner wouldn't be too long. I moved Heaven round to where Lancelots horse was and passed her some food after her long and hard journey. I moved over to where mine and Lancelot's tent was set up and placed my cloak inside, flattening out some creases that had been created while I was riding.

I smiled as my wings stretched out gently before settling behind my back. I noticed that everyone was being called in for food by Meeri, which made me spot Mordred's blue cloak. I smiled at the young boy as he made his way to his seat with Lancelot holding onto his hand. I slowly walked over to them before they sat down and tapped the knight's shoulder gently. He turned around, probably expecting to find a druid, but his eyes widened when he realised that it was me.

"Amara!" he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me tightly. His cry caused Mordred to turn around as well, and the young boy soon joined in on our hug. Giggling, I let go of the two boys, looking at them with a kind look in my eye. "I'm alright, don't worry." I said, as Mordred ran off to go and tell Meeri that I had returned.

"I'm sorry for taking off earlier, I just needed to do something." I said as Lancelot grabbed one of my hands, holding onto it tightly as though I was going to disappear. "It's alright, I trust your instincts. It just shocked me, that's all." Lancelot said, making me smile and place a hand on his cheek. "I promise I'll tell you next time, maybe even let you come along." I teased, causing the knight to sigh and shake his head at me.

"You better." He said, wrapping one of his arms around me as Meeri approached us with Mordred at his side. "It's good to see you again Ana. I'm glad you got back safely." The druid leader said, causing me to smile at the kind man. "Thank you, and if it isn't too much trouble I would like to have a word with you after dinner." I said, causing the man to nod gently before calling over a druid who passed us all some food.

We quickly ate our food, and then I talked with Lancelot about random things, and I was glad that he didn't ask me where I went. After we had eaten Lancelot went back to our tent to get some water for our horses and Mordred went to his own tent to get some sleep. Me on the other hand, went over to Meeri who was talking quietly with Aglain. I let them finish their conversation before walking closer to the druid leader.

"What is it you wished to talk about?" The kind man asked me, and I took a deep breath, mentally going over what I was going to say. "I think I'm ready. I wish to head back to Camelot, and help their people. Do the job I was born to do." I explained, and Meeri looked at me with a smile on his face. "Of course, take anything you need, and you are always welcome back here whenever." He said, causing me to release a breath.

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