Chapter 4 - Lancelot and Guinevere

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I watched as Mordred ran around, being chased by one of the other druids. I sighed and leant against a tree, trying to calm down after the last few days. We had been at our new camp for three days, all our new tents were set up, and everyone was getting settled. However, the only thing that had been on my mind for the past few days was Lancelot. He said that he would come back, and I trusted that he would, but we had moved, meaning that he may not find us.

I had left it a few days to see if he would find us himself, but now I was getting worried, it had almost been a week since he left, and I was really starting to get worried. Meeri had told me to wait and give him more time to himself, and I understood his reasons for that, Lance deserved to have some time to himself.

"Stop worrying about him, I'm sure that Lancelot is fine." I heard someone say, making me turn and see that Meeri was standing beside me. I sighed at his words and turned back to look at Mordred. "I know he is, I just miss him." I said, my voice shaking slightly. "Why don't you go and collect wood for the fire." Meeri suggested, and I nodded, moving away from the tree, and starting into the forest.

As I was collecting wood, I got lost in my memories. Back in Ealdor, Merlin, Will, and I would always go out into the forest for wood. The fireplace in our house was small, and we had a fire that was kept during the evenings for the whole village. I remember that Will would always try to sneak attack Merlin with sticks, but would end up crumpled on the floor, due to my brother's magical instincts.

Come to think of it, Merlin's magic would always react against Will and Mother, at least when he was younger and had very little control over it, however, with me, it almost never did. My only interactions with Merlin's magic had been positive, with him saving me from falling over and hurting myself. Maybe it had something to do with my destiny, or whatever these wings were. From what I had learnt in the past few months, magic was different, sentient almost, so I wouldn't be surprised if it knew about me being 'chosen' by some other being to become an angel.

I sighed and looked down at the pile of wood I had in my hands. I felt like it was enough so I started to head back to the camp, but was hit with darkness and I stumbled forwards a few steps.

When I opened my eyes I noted that I was in the middle of the forest, on a random path. I freaked out a bit when I turned around and saw that there was no one here, but I could hear horses approaching, so I moved over to the side of the road. As they came around the corner slowly I smiled widely at the familiar red capes of the Knights of Camelot. They were trotting gently along the path and in the middle I noticed that Morgana and Gwen were there, on their own horses.

I smiled at the two familiar girls, so I went over and stood next to Gwen's horse. "You're very secretive these days. I'm beginning to think there's a man involved." Morgana said, causing Gwen to snort gently, which in turn made me giggle. "When do I get to meet any decent men?" Gwen asked, making me roll my eyes at the girl. I was sure there were plenty of suitable men in Camelot that would be more than happy to be with Gwen, she really was beautiful.

Morgana opened her mouth as if to say something else, but someone appeared over one of the hills and I looked up to see a group of bandits approaching them, and I called out to the two girls, forgetting that they couldn't actually hear me. "My ladies, you must follow me." One of the knights called, causing the two girls to look at him. However, the knight got shot in the back with a crossbow, making the two girls scream.

Gwen and Morgana were pulled off with their horses, and I rushed over to them, along with some of the knights of Camelot. The two girls ran off, and I followed them, but they came face to face with one of the bandits, who grabbed both girls and tugged them away. I began to run after them, but darkness began to swirl around me and I felt myself being thrown back to where I was.

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