Interlude - Freedom and Flight

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"You know, I thought that I would have to deal with the knights of Camelot trying to take Morgana back, not some stupid woman, a swordsman and a druid child." Morgause said, and my glare hardened as she mentioned my friends, hoping that I could distract her long enough for them to realise something had happened. Although that could go one of two ways, they would escape with Morgana, or would try and come in and rescue me, most likely the second option which would no doubt end in failure.

"You planned to corrupt Morgana against her own kingdom, teach her dark magic. I couldn't just sit around and allow that. She is an innocent, scared woman, I won't allow you to take advantage of that." I said as confidently as I could, although I was sure that my racing heart could be heard across the entire castle. Morgause just chuckled darkly under her breath.

"Well, plans can change. You know, in the past few months I've heard stories of a woman travelling through Camelot with a knight and a young boy, and the druids are all excitedly rambling on about an angel finally returning to Camelot. So I did some digging, and who should I find but you. I've always wondered what would happen if an angel, the purest of creatures, was corrupted." Morgause said, a malicious glare in her eyes.

I gulped down the lump in my throat and turned my head slightly, glancing around again for any chance of finding a way out of this as she took a few steps towards me. "Well I'm sorry to inform you that today is not the day you will be finding out." I said, as one of the stupidest ideas I had ever had popped into my head. I sighed inwardly at how ridiculous it sounded in my head, but at the moment it seemed as though it was the only option of getting out of here and making sure that all of my friends were alright.

I glanced back around at Morgause, who was now only a few paces away from me, the smirk still on her face as I stood up as tall as I could, trying to seem more intimidating than I actually was. "Oh, I think you're wrong there, sweetheart. Although I would also like to see if angels bleed." She said menacingly, pulling out a small knife from her sleeve, making me back down slightly, cautious that I was standing right in front of a twenty foot drop.

I sighed and started moving my hands up, making the witch think I was surrendering to her as she cackled gently under her breath. However, I stopped my hands as I reached my neck, resting them on the clasp of my cloak. "What are you doing?" Morgause asked, suddenly serious again, as she realised I wasn't giving myself up to her. I took some deep breaths and closed my eyes for a moment, praying to whatever god out there that this was going to work and not kill me.

"I think you're forgetting something about angels." I said in a low whisper, opening my eyes to meet Morgause's gaze, confusion evident in her eyes. "We have wings." I whispered, before unclasping my cloak. In a flash I whipped my cloak off and flung it in the direction of Morgause, distracting her for long enough for me to turn around and jump out of the large window behind me.

I held my breath as I fell for a few moments. I squeezed my eyes shut and willed my wings to open more than I ever had before. I pictured them opening out and catching the window, lowering me to the ground gently. Then, I suddenly slowed down, causing my eyes to burst open as I tried to balance myself in the air. My chest heaved as I looked around me, noticing that my wings were open, fluttering slightly in the wind, lowering me down to the ground very slowly. I let out a breath as I touched down on my ground, my body slumping slightly as I readjusted to my feet being back on the ground.

I caught my breath for a moment, my mind reeling as I realised that I had just flown for the first time, and I was now free from the wrath of Morgause. I whipped around as I heard a scream of anger behind me, looking up to see that Morgause was now staring out of the large gap in the castle, an angry glare evident in her eyes. I smiled softly before turning and rushing away from the edge of the castle, back towards where the horses should be.

As I rounded one of the turrets, I spotted my three friends, all sitting upon their horses as I ran over to them. I grabbed onto Heaven, ignoring the shocked look on Morgana's face as I climbed up behind Mordred. I shifted into a comfortable position before reaching around the small boy, wrapping my arms around his waist to secure him, before looking over at the other two.

"We should get going, I think I made her mad." I said, turning to the others an innocent look on my face as Lancelot shook his head gently. We all turned our horses around and Lancelot led the way as we galloped back into the trees. "Please tell me that you're going to explain how you have wings!" I heard Morgana call as the three horses sprinted through the woods, and I chuckled at her words.

"I will explain everything when we're somewhere safe, I promise." I called in answer, before turning my attention back to the path ahead of me, making sure to keep Lancelot and his horse in sight at all times as the four of us headed in the direction of the ruined castle we had decided to take refuge in for the time being. 

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