Epilogue - A New Home

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Lancelot slowed down before coming to a stop, glancing back to check that Morgana and I were both still behind him. Morgana pulled on the reins of her horse, and I tapped my foot lightly against Heaven, and both of them came to a stop just in front of him. We had been riding for a few hours and were now in a pretty large clearing, a huge ruined building in front of us.

I glanced around the landing, and noticed that there was a small stream not too far away, as well as some fruit trees on the edge of the glade. I took some deep breaths as all four of us climbed off our horses. Lancelot didn't hesitate for a moment and rushed over to me once we dismounted, wrapping his arms around me. I chuckled lightly and wrapped my arms, and wings, around him as well, before he let go and helped Mordred off Heaven.

We allowed the horses to graze gently on some grass just outside the ruin, before the four of us headed inside the building. It was clear that this had been some sort of outpost in the past, with large cupboards which would have been filled with supplies, as well as fancier areas where armour was still piled. We dropped all of our supplies in the main room, before searching all of the rooms, including those upstairs to make sure that no one else was hiding out here, and once we had ensured that we were alone, we all made our way back into the main hall.

Lancelot pulled out some food and water which we had brought with us, and we all ate happily, glad to be out of harm's way. As we sat in silence, I couldn't help but notice Morgana glancing over at me every few minutes, as if to check that I still had wings. Once we had finished eating, Lancelot pulled out the huge pile of blankets which we now owned, as well as some books we had brought with us. I quickly reached over and grabbed an old, leather bound book, passing it over to Morgana.

"Here, this was one of the first books the Druids got me to read, it will probably be able to explain a few things better than I can." I said, turning to give the woman my full attention, knowing she was probably still a little shocked about all of this. "Will it explain why you have wings?" She asked, and I chuckled, shaking my head. "No, but that one I can explain." I said, before pausing as Morgana looked at me expectantly.

I had never really had to explain this to someone else, and wanted to do it in a simple enough way that Morgana would understand. "There are these things called Guardian Angels. Hundreds of years ago, each kingdom was provided with their guardian, and when the previous one died, another would have already been chosen, and would be ready to step into their place. However, as people became more wary of magic, they started disappearing. Just because they had a duty to a certain kingdom didn't mean they were forced to stay there. The remaining few were caught and killed around twenty years ago." I started, occasionally glancing up at Morgana to make sure she was following along.

"I'm the first known angel since the Great Purge, it's what all those pains I kept getting were for, my wings starting to come through. Then, when I... um... was ready, my wings appeared, and I gained access to my magic." I said, blushing gently and glancing up at Lancelot for a split second as I thought about what had happened with Arthur on the day I left. "I trained with the Druids for a few months, and learnt about my powers, and my wings. I also have the ability to see things that are happening in Camelot in case I need to go and help out. Then, Lancelot and I started travelling through the smaller villages, helping as many people as we could, because that's what I'm supposed to do. Protect Camelot and its people." I said, and Morgana nodded slightly, her eyes slightly glazed over as she thought over what I had said.

"So you've been using magic in Camelot?" She asked after a minute or so, and I nodded slightly. "I've been subtle about it, but my magic was given to me so that I could help the people, it feels wrong to not use it for its purpose." I said, and Morgana nodded once again. I reached forwards and wrapped my hand around hers, causing the woman to look up at me. "I promise, there is a safe way to practise magic. I've even been teaching Mordred while on the move." I said, and Morgana looked comforted by these words.

"What about my nightmares?" She said in a whisper, and I gave her a sympathetic look, knowing how afraid she was of what she saw in them. "There's nothing we can do to stop them, but I wouldn't want to." I started, and Morgana looked a little offended, upset that she wasn't going to be cured of her night terrors. I squeezed her hand gently and gave her a slightly sterner look, informing her that I wasn't finished yet.

"You see the future, Morgana. Do you have any idea how useful that is? If you see what is going to happen, we can prevent it from ever coming to be." I said, and the woman groaned gently, pulling her hand away from me. "But I've tried doing that, and it never works." She said, and I nodded, acknowledging that there were probably many times where terrifying things had happened in her dream and then transferred to real life.

"But then it was just you trying to stop them, this time there's more of us." I said in a soft voice, causing Morgana to look up at me with a small smile. "I'm glad I came with you." She whispered, and I chuckled, shuffling slightly so I was closer to her, and wrapped my arms tightly around her. "Me too." I whispered, glancing up at Lancelot, who was now sitting on the small bed he had made for himself, already looking at Morgana and I.

"Welcome home." Mordred said in an innocent voice, making us all smile widely at the young boy, who blushed from all the attention being on him. "Welcome home." I repeated, and I reached forwards, taking Lancelot's hand in mine as well, Morgana grasping Mordred's hand. We all shared a sweet smile, and Morgana leant her head against my shoulder gently. "Why don't you two start cleaning a space up in here, I'll collect some firewood." Lancelot said, letting go of my hand and standing up.

"I'll join you." I said, pulling myself away from Morgana and standing up beside Lancelot. The knight smiled at me and we both headed back out of the building, visually checking on the horses. "You know, you never cease to amaze me." He said, making me giggle under my breath. "You've said that before, what have I done this time?" I asked, and the knight just rolled his eyes gently.

"It's just how hard you're willing to work when you will get nothing back. And the way you risked your life for Morgana." He said, making me blush and look down at my feet. A comfortable silence fell over us as we wandered past the border of the clearing and into the woods, each of us bending down to pick up a stick every so often.

"You should leave your cloak off more often." Lance said out of nowhere, making me look over to where he was standing a few paces from me. I smiled slightly and the tips of my wings caught my gaze. I hadn't even realised that I was still not wearing a cloak, so they were visible to anyone. "I have nothing to hide here, from any of you." I said slowly, turning my head more to watch my wings flutter slightly, the feathers rustling slightly in the wind.

Once I turned my head back towards the knight, he had moved closer to me, and was now only a step away from me, making me take a sharp intake of breath as I realised how close we were. "You look beautiful." Lancelot whispered out, and I smiled nervously, my mind screaming at me to look away from him, but my eyes wouldn't leave his. "Thank you." I managed to breath out as Lancelot took another step towards me, his face now very close to my own.

I gulped down the lump in my throat and instinctively reached a hand up to gently brush a hair away from his cheek. "Amara, I-" He started, but I shook my head, already knowing what he was going to say as tears filled my eyes. I had never intended for things to become so complicated. I loved Lancelot, truly I did, he was the best man, and the best friend, I had ever had in my entire life, but I wouldn't be fooling anyone if I said that my heart belongs solely to him. Everything I had been through in the past few months, learning to control my power so I could not only protect the kingdom, but the man I loved. So I could protect Arthur.

"I-I can't... I..." I stuttered, my eyes still not leaving the knights as I realised how heavily he was breathing. "Please, just let me say it, I need you to hear it." He said in a whisper that I only just heard. A few tears dripped down my cheeks, and I let out a shaky breath, my heart breaking at the thought of what was coming. "I love you." He said in a whisper, and I let a small sob escape as the confession fell from the knight's lips, knowing I could never return his affection in the same way.

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