Interlude - Accidental Magic

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Mordred beamed at me as he stood over Lancelot, looking extremely proud of himself. I giggled and clapped for Mordred as Lancelot hauled himself from the ground. "Great match, Sir Mordred." The knight said, holding his hand out to the small boy. "Of course, Sir Lancelot." Mordred said, returning the handshake. I laughed at the two and stood up, going over to them.

"Well, I think you both played incredibly." I said, placing my hand on Mordred's shoulder. They both thanked me, before Mordred had to run off to do some training with Meeri. I smiled as the young boy ran off, a spring in his step. "You let him win." I said teasingly, causing Lancelot to glare at me lightly. "No, the boy's getting better, he has a good teacher." Lance said, making me raise my eyebrows at him. "Does he really?" I said, giggling at Lancelot who rolled his eyes at me.

We then fell into a comfortable silence and I picked up the stick that Mordred had been using as his weapon, before a few words appeared in my head. I didn't know why, but something in me compelled me to say them, and I murmured them, not taking my eyes from the stick. "Mutare de ligno in gladium." I then watched as the stick in front of me melded into the shape of a sword.

I let out a gasp and dropped it, watching as Lancelot went over and grabbed it off the ground. "What... Did you do this?" He asked, looking up at me, and I just stood there in shock for a few seconds before processing his question. "I-I don't know, I just said those words, not even knowing what they meant." I said, as I began to shake.

It was the same as when I had lit the fire, the words I needed for the spell just appeared in my head, and I was trusting them. I don't know why I was doing that, what would happen if I was told a spell that would kill someone? No, that wasn't going to happen, I had to trust myself, that's what Meeri had told me to do. I was almost sure that I would never have to kill anyone, or never do it accidentally anyway.

"Hey, don't panic, we can talk to Meeri about it later, when he's finished training with Mordred. How about we go for a ride, that always seems to help clear your mind." Lancelot said, placing the wooden sword against a tree and coming over to place a hand on my shoulder. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself before nodding and allowing Lancelot to guide me over to the horses.

I hopped onto Heaven, who was seemingly happy to see me, and I passed her a treat while Lancelot got on his own horse. "Come on." Was all the knight said, before kicking off his horse. I smiled slightly and then prompted Heaven to follow them. We rode together for the rest of the afternoon, just having a good time, laughing and exchanging more stories. I was surprised that there were things that we didn't know about each other after the time we had been spending together over the past few weeks.

On our way back to camp Lancelot went quiet as I was talking about this time when Will and Merlin had almost lost me my apprenticeship and mother had had a massive go at them. When I had finished telling the story, I looked over at the knight, who was staring off into the distance with a conflicted look on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, and sighed.

"Lancelot, is everything okay?" I asked, causing the knight to turn to me, a slightly worried look on his face. "Yes, umm, yes. Sorry, I didn't mean to drift away." He said quickly, and I realised that we were back at the camp. I slid off of Heaven while Lancelot got off his horse and tied him up. "Are you sure you're okay, you seemed pretty far away." I said, almost laughing at my own joke.

"I was just thinking..." He said, trailing off. I was going to leave the subject there, but Lancelot came over and took both my hands in his. "I don't want to do this if you're not okay with it, but I've been thinking about it for a few days. I want to leave the camp, only for a few days, but I just want to get away from it all. I want to go somewhere and use my sword, keep practicing against a real person. I would be back, of course I would, but it's just been a little too much for me." Lancelot said, not taking his eyes off of me.

I opened my mouth slightly, but closed it again, having no idea what I was going to say to the knight. I had no clue that he wanted to leave, get away from all of this. In all fairness I did too, but I knew that it would be safer for me with the Druids than anywhere else. "Umm, yeah, yeah, of course I'd be okay with it. I don't want you to feel like I'm keeping you from anything. As long as you promise to tell me, and you don't lead anyone here, you can leave whenever you like, as long as you come back." I replied, my voice turning to a whisper.

Lancelot let out a sigh and pulled me into a hug. "Of course I'll come back. I'd never leave you. And thank you. Would you be okay if I left tomorrow? Only for a few days." The handsome knight said, and I nodded slightly, trying not to show the fear that was rising in me. Lancelot then let go of me and looked into the camp. "I'm going to talk to one of the druids about it, you go talk to Meeri about what happened earlier." Lancelot said, and I nodded.

The knight walked off and I waited for a few seconds before turning and starting to make my way through the camp to Meeri's tent. When I reached it I could hear that he was in there, so I opened one of the flaps and the Druid smiled at me, beckoning me in. "What can I do for you Ana?" He asked, as I sat down. "Earlier today, I was standing with Mordred's stick in my hand, the one that he's been using with Lancelot, and these words came to my head. I don't know what compelled me to, but I said them, and it turned it into a wooden sword. Is this normal?" I asked, getting nervous as Meeri looked at me thoughtfully.

"Druids do have spells come to them, but normally only when they are in extreme danger." Meeri said, and I sighed, that meant this would be different to anything he had seen before, which didn't bode well for me. "I don't mind it if I know that it's a spell, which I do now, but how do I know that the spell is going to do something good?" I asked the druid who smiled at me.

"Trust yourself Ana, nothing is more important than trust on this journey." Meeri said, before standing and leaving the tent. I sighed at the man's cryptic words and left the tent myself, going over to Lancelot and Mordred so we could eat dinner together.

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