Interlude - What Next?

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Lancelot and I got back to the village we were staying in not too long after we had left the castle, and I hadn't said anything on the journey, my mind fixating on what Arthur's mother had said to me, and what it meant for me. I knew that going around Camelot was what I was meant to do, and I loved helping people, seeing their faces light up when they realised that all hope was not lost. That was so special to me, and I knew that that's what the Druids had been preparing me for while I was with them.

However, there was some part of me. The Amara part of me which hated all of this and wished that I could be back in Camelot, with my brother and Gaius. I wished that I could be with Arthur, no matter the consequences. I wanted to not hide who I was in fear of execution from a King who I thought was fair and just. There was part of me that hated that all of this had happened, and just as I was getting settled in Camelot and coming to terms with my feelings towards the Prince.

"Amara, we're back." Lancelot whispered in my ear, breaking the silence and my thoughts. I looked up at the knight and smiled gently at him as he dismounted my horse. I got down as well and allowed the stable hand to lead Heaven back into her stall next to Lancelots horse. We made our way back to the house we were staying in and found Emma and Tom were in there.

I stayed silent as we ate dinner, and Lancelot could tell that there was a lot on my mind, seeing as soon as we went into our room he sat down on the bed and looked at me with a knowing expression. "Okay, what's on your mind Amara?" He asked, making me sigh and walk over, joining him on the bed. "It's just something Arthur's mum said to me after I conjured her, about not letting my fears get in the way of love." I said, and Lancelot placed a hand on top of mine.

"I have to agree with her, but I won't force you to do anything you don't wish to." He said, making me smile at him thankfully, glad for the support he was giving. "I really want to be in Camelot, with Arthur, but I know that it's not safe, and if I do get caught, then Uther will listen to no one who asks for me not to be executed. I can't put everyone there through that. They don't deserve it." I explained, lying down on the bed.

"Then stay here, wait a little longer. You don't have to make a decision right now." Lancelot said, making me smile at him as he laid beside me. "You're the best friend, you know that." I said, making the knight chuckle and nod his head. "We should get some sleep, from what I recall you wanted to leave tomorrow." Lance said, making me nod and turn over, closing my eyes.

I dreamt about Arthur and my life in Camelot if this hadn't happened. I didn't think that I desperately wanted to be queen, but if that meant being with Arthur I would do my best to help Camelot to the best of my abilities. But now that wasn't even an option. I didn't even know if Arthur would still want to be with me by the time that I could be in Camelot without the fear of losing my head.

The next day Lancelot and I spent our time moving through the village, helping out with menial tasks, although I could tell that most people were happy that there were people who were willing to help them. In the evening there was a large celebration in the pub, so Lancelot and I followed Tom and Emma into the crowded room, and the four of us ordered drinks.

"This is all thanks to the two of you, since you found those supplies the village has really picked up. Everyone's so much happier." Tom mentioned, making Lancelot and I share a glance, smiling gently at each other. "I'm sure someone would have found it eventually." I said, deflecting the compliment off of me, not wanting the attention. "How long are you two going to stay for?" Emma asked, a sadness in her voice, and I knew it was because I had brought up on the walk here that I thought it was about time for us to leave.

"We're not sure, we need to decide where we're going." Lance said, making me place my hand in his, smiling up at him sadly, remembering our conversation from yesterday. "Oh, well you're free to stay as long as you like, I won't charge you any more." Tom said, and I nodded my thanks to him, not knowing how long it would take for me to decide what I wanted to do.

We ate and drank and laughed all night, listening to people playing beautiful music, and dancing well into the night. It reminded me of the few celebrations that were held in Ealdor, that mother always made me go to in the winter. There was music and dancing, and Merlin and Will always found a way to make it more interesting for everyone, so it was just nice to see a community coming together, especially after what I had seen when I arrived here.

It was good to know that what I had done had brought some sense of relief for these people, and I knew that there must be so many others out there who needed help, but weren't able to get it, especially with the capital being taunted by magical attacks all the time. The King was so busy worrying about his own city that his thoughts barely lied with the rest of his people. Arthur wasn't like that, I knew he wasn't, and I was sure that there had been patrols sent out here to the border who would also be told to check on the civilians.

Arthur was one of the best men I had ever met, and I was so glad that I'd had the opportunity to spend at least some of my life with him. He changed my life, and not just because of the wings, but because of his outlook on the world, and his ability to introduce me to foreign feelings that allowed me to understand myself better.

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