Interlude - Bonding Time

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"Ana!" Lancelot called from across the camp, making me look up and smile as he came running over. "Hey." I said, stopping folding the sheet I had been washing, and giving the knight my full attention. "I was wondering how much longer you wanted to stay. I was thinking of heading out anyway to get some more supplies." He said, making me sigh gently. I'd been having so much fun with Mordred that I hadn't realised that we'd already been here for a week, and we should probably start heading back on our journey.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, I've noticed that Mordred is outgrowing all his shirts, so he'll need a few new ones. And we really should head off, I'm just worried about leaving again, he seemed to miss us a lot." I said, not wanting to make the young druid sad again. "I'm sure he'll be alright, everyone here has been looking after him, and now that you've helped him with his magic, he's really excelling." Lancelot said, making me sigh again and nod my head.

"How about we leave tomorrow. And head to the village we were going to." I suggested, a weak smile on my face and Lancelot nodded in agreement, but didn't say anything more on the subject. Lancelot headed over to Meeri to tell him our plans, and I went over to Mordred to tell the young boy. "Ana!" He called, making me sigh and pick him up, making him giggle and smile at me. "Hey, Lance and I have decided that we're going to head off tomorrow." I said, and his smile immediately dropped. "You're leaving again?" He asked, and my heart dropped at the tears that clouded his eyes.

"Hey, don't be upset, we're going to come back again, I promise, we'll visit you in a few months, and when I come back I think you'll be lighting the evening fire." I said, putting him down and leaning down to his height. "Can we spend today together?" He asked, making me nod my head, and look over at Lance who was on his way over to us. "Why don't we go and sit by the lake." I suggested, making Mordred nod and Lance smiled at us from where he was.

"I think that sounds like a perfect idea." Lancelot said, making me smile and the three of us started to make our way through the camp, and over to a small area where a few logs had been laid down as benches, and a place where they could collect water to be used for cleaning and cooking. Lance and I sat down on one of the logs and Mordred sat on the floor in between my legs, we were looking out at the water, which remained untouched and perfectly still.

"Are you sure you have to leave?" Mordred asked, making me chuckle gently and nod my head. "There are still people out there who need our help, and if we can do something, then it is our duty to help them however we can." I explained, making Lancelot place a hand on my shoulder, as he looked at me with proud eyes. "But what if I need your help?" mordred asked, whining slightly as young children do. "Then all you need to do is ask, and I'll race to your aid, I promise." I said, picking up the boy and placing him gently on my knee.

We sat there for a little while, before Mordred decided he wanted to go swimming, making me chuckle and nod my head, giving the young boy permission to go in the water, as long as he stayed where his feet could touch the bottom. "Lance, come with me!" Mordred said, pulling his cloak off and dragging the knight to his feet. I chuckled at Lance's helplessness as he also pulled his cloak off. Mordred pulled his small shirt off as well, before pulling his shoes off and running into the water.

I smiled at his happiness and watched as Lancelot also took off his shoes, before reaching up and pulling his shirt off. No matter how many times I saw him shirtless, my face heated up every time, and I looked to the ground as he joined Mordred in the water. I smiled as they played with each other, allowing the two to spend quality time with each other before we left. I was amazed at the relationship these two had built up, I knew that Mordred and I would be close, because we had already met and made a close connection, but I was glad that the two closest people to me right now got along well.

"Ana, come join us!" Mordred called, but I shook my head, not really wanting to get into the water, which I knew would be cold, and it would just weigh down my dress. Mordred pouted gently, but was interrupted when Lancelot threw water over him, making both me and the knight laugh as Mordred tried to do the same to Lancelot. They played around together until the druids called out for lunch, and the boys hauled themselves out of the lake. "Sicco." I whispered, and they both dried out quickly, making Lance wink at me, and Mordred clapped his hands at my display of magic.

"Is there nothing you can't do with that?" He asked, making me shrug my shoulders, as I still didn't know the extent of my magic. The boys put their clothes back on, and we headed into the camp to eat lunch with them, which was very nice, and I knew that Meeri had made it so because he knew Lance and I were leaving. Then in the afternoon Lancelot and I went to our small clearing with Mordred and watched as he practised some more magic and challenged Lancelot to their last sword fight, before we left, which Lance let Mordred win.

"Here." Mordred said, levitating a larger stone over to me, and I let it fall into my hand. I noticed that there was a messy engraving on the front, so I opened out my palm and read the small inscription. 'My Angel, Love Mordred', and the young boy had carved a small druid symbol and attempted to carve some wings as well. "It's perfect, thank you." I whispered, a tear falling down my cheek. "Hey, is there anything you'd like us to bring, when we come back from this trip?" Lance asked, bending down and picking up the boy as we started to make our way back to camp.

"I just want Ana to come back, and a dagger." Mordred mumbled, making me chuckle and ruffle his hair gently. "I will always come back for you, that is a promise." I said, as Lance put the young boy down and we headed into the camp for dinner.

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