Interlude - Welcoming

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I awoke the next morning to the sun streaming through the tent, and I rolled over to see that Lancelot was also stirring. I sat up and wiped the sleep from my eyes, before watching the knight beside me do the same. Lancelot grabbed his sword and we made our way out of the tent.

I smiled as I felt the warm sun on my face, and I took in a deep breath of fresh air. I had almost forgotten what it was like to wake up in the country. Back when Merlin and I lived in Ealdor we would always get up early so we could go and get the supplies mother would need for the day. I smiled as I saw the Druids all sat around the camp, eating all together. I noticed that the head Druid we had spoken to last night was eating near us, Mordred sat by his side.

I smiled at the young boy, who looked up at me with a smile on his face. "Come, there is plenty for all of us." The elder said, and I went over, sitting next to them, Lancelot taking a little bit more time. "Thank you so much for your hospitality." I said, taking some food from the table and taking a bite out of it. "Anything my dear. I will make sure that today you are welcomed into our camp honourably. We have clothes for both of you, and there is a river you may use to bathe if you wish." The leader said, and I nodded to him in thanks.

"I just realised that we never asked your name." Lancelot said, making my eyes widen, I hadn't realised that I had been so rude towards him. He'd been so kind and I didn't even know his name. "No worries my dear, you've had a difficult few days. My name is Meeri (meer-eye)." I nodded to the elder as he stood up, "If there is anything you need, feel free to ask, and it will be provided to the best of our abilities." The elder said, and I smiled at him in thanks.

I finished eating and then looked at Lancelot. "I think I'm going to take up that offer of washing in the river." I said, and the knight nodded to me. "I'll feed the horses, then I will head a little further into the forest. I want to find something to practice with." Lancelot said, and I nodded.

Then I stood up and looked down at Mordred, smiling at the young boy widely. "I'll come and see you after, okay." I said, and the boy just nodded. I looked around the camp and saw a group of younger women, taking a deep breath I decided to go over to them. "Excuse me, I was hoping that someone could show me where the river is, I was hoping that I could wash." I said, and the ladies nodded to me.

"Of course, come with us." They said and I followed them a little ways through the forest, surprisingly not getting caught on any of the branches, as if my dress was avoiding them for me. Soon enough we reached the river and I smiled at the small grove that it had created. There was a small waterfall that I could use to wash my hair, and flowers grew everywhere. Butterflies fluttered around, landing on a flower every so often, and there were a few rabbits hopping around the pool.

"One of us will be just a few meters away, around the corner, coming and finding them when you are finished and they will take you back to camp

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"One of us will be just a few meters away, around the corner, coming and finding them when you are finished and they will take you back to camp." One of the women said, breaking me out of my trance. I turned to them and thanked them all, before walking closer to the small pool which stretched out into a river.

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