Interlude - Recovery

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I sighed as I reached the river in the forest, knowing that I didn't have far to go before I reached the meeting place that Meeri had told me to go to. I reached into the river, wetting my hand slightly and then dabbing my forehead, trying to cool myself down, while also getting rid of the tear tracks that I could feel on my face. I then started to walk further, before hearing hustle coming from not too far away.

I approached cautiously, before I noticed that they were all wearing Druid cloaks, making me relax slightly as I reached them. "Ana!" I heard someone shout, and soon enough Mordred's arms were wrapped around my waist. I chuckled lightly and knelt down to the boy, who then wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "Ana, I'm glad that you're safe. We were starting to get worried about you." Meeri said, coming over to me.

"I'm fine." I said in a whisper, afraid that if I started to talk I would start crying. The entire walk to this clearing I had been lost in thoughts of the Prince, and knew that I had cried while I was walking, which had slowed me down. Seeing him so close to me, and not in a vision was more painful than I thought it would be. Just knowing that I could have called out to him and actually have him look at me was crazy to imagine, and I was so tempted, but I knew that I would never be accepted, and even though I hated to think about it, I knew that as soon as I revealed my wings to Arthur he would probably get scared of me and have me executed.

"What do we do now?" Mordred asked Meeri, pulling me from my thoughts as I looked up to the Druid leader. "We need to find somewhere safe to set up camp, I know that there's an empty clearing not too far from here which should be big enough for us all." Meeri said, but I could hear the sadness in his voice. "I can ride ahead on Heaven, see if it's safe for you all." I said, standing back up as Mordred let go of me.

Meeri smiled at me gently, before nodding his head. "Go due North and you should find it." He said, before taking Mordred's hand and leading the boy over to a few other druids. I sighed and watched the young boy for a few seconds before looking around the clearing for Heaven. I smiled when I saw her and went over to her. "Come on girl, we need to make sure that everything is safe." I said, and she neighed at me, nuzzling me slightly. I pulled myself onto my horse and scanned the clearing with the druids in it, before kicking her and cantering off in the direction Meeri had instructed me to.

It didn't take too long to find the area that Meeri had spoken about. I hopped off of Heaven and left her to amuse herself while I looked around. The clearing was definitely large enough for all of us to fit, and there was foliage all around us, so I knew that we would be covered well enough. I then hunted around a little more, smiling when I saw that there was a river close by where we could wash, and enough places to find wood for fires and other equipment.

I smiled at the clearing, knowing that it would be perfect for us, so I went back over to my horse and hopped on her, ready to ride off, but I was interrupted by my vision going black as I fell into another darkness.

This time when I opened my eyes I realised that I was in Arthur's room again, and there was no one in here. I took the time to look around, remembering everything in the room, before I went over to the window and noticed that Gwen and Morgana were walking around in the courtyard. I smiled at the sight of the King's Ward, glad that she was doing alright after the events of the past two days.

I then turned back to the room, wondering why I was here when no one else was, whenever I had had a vision before I had very quickly come into contact with people that I knew, however, there was still no one in the room.

Suddenly, the doors flew open and Arthru came in, closing the doors gently behind him, but not before addressing the guards that stood there. "I wish to be left alone, the only person who you shall let in is my father." He said, and I heard a small confirmation come from the guards before Arthur closed the door properly and then turned and walked into the room.

The Prince walked over to his table and placed his hands on them, leaning over it and taking a deep breath, before punching it hard, making me jump from the sudden action of aggression. Arthur let out a small scream of annoyance and then moved over to his bed and sat down on it.

"God I hope you're alive Amara." Arthur said, chuckling soundlessly. His words made my heart sink, he truly was thinking that I could be dead. I sighed and moved over to the Prince, wanting to reach out to him, but an invisible force was preventing me from doing so. "I know that wherever you are you probably can't hear me, but I need you right now. You'd know what to do." He said, making me move over and sit next to him.

"Tell me what's wrong?" I whispered, tears welling in my eyes, knowing that there was no way he could hear me. "Morgana was kidnapped by the Druids, but I don't think that she was. They have always been peaceful people, I don't understand why they would take Morgana. And I saw that boy again, Mordred, he was there, and apparently there was a woman with him. She wore pure white and had magic, at least that's what the knight's tell me. I'm worried that father is overreacting about all of this." He said, and I could see his chest shaking, which I assumed to mean he was holding back his emotions.

Arthur then stood and removed his boots, then his jacket and shirt, making me look down, knowing that I was now blushing like crazy. Arthur then walked over to his bed and got in, before turning over and laying down, his eyes remaining wide open. "Requiem." I said to the Prince, before standing up from where I was still sitting on his bed and watching as the scene disappeared into darkness.

I opened my eyes and found that I was still sitting in Heaven, who was walking slowly through the forest, and the Druids were just ahead of us. "Ah, Ana, what did you find?" Meeri said, coming over to me, not giving me time to comprehend what I had just heard. "Everything's fine there." I said, still in a slight daze. "Go on Heaven, take her back there, we'll be there in an hour or so." Meeri said to my horse, who then turned around and started cantering back the way we came.

While we rode, all I could think about was Arthur, and what I had seen of him today. He seemed so lonely and lost, vulnerable almost, which is what scared me the most. I had never seen Arthur show that much emotion, but I had always known that it was there, so it was a shock to me that he was so worried about me and my whereabouts. Now I was regretting calling out to him earlier. But I was just glad that he was safe, and I knew that he always would be.

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