Chapter 2 - The Once and Future Queen

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A.N: This episode will differ slightly from the original, as it is a little too soon for Arthur to be falling for someone else, however, there may be some action between the two later in the series, I haven't decided how it shall end yet.

It had been a few days since Lancelot and I had arrived at the Druid camp, and we had been made to feel very welcome there. I was currently eating lunch with the knight. We ate in a comfortable silence, which seemed to have been happening a lot since we had been reunited. I couldn't help it, I just felt really comfortable and safe around the knight.

Once we had both finished eating I smiled at Lancelot before walking off to the leaders tent, wanting to talk to him. I had talked to him a few times, and I hadn't had any other visions in the past few days. I reached his tent and was about to call out when Meeri's voice sounded from inside the tent. "Come in Ana." He said, and I opened the tent flaps, walking into the tent.

"Hi." I said in a whisper, sitting down on some of the cushions he had in there. "What is it you wish to know?" Meeri asked me and I sighed gently. "I know that I am the Guardian Angel of Camelot, and I know that that's something that I'll have to get used to, I just want to know a few more things." I said, being careful how I phrased that, not wanting him to think that I had accepted this new phenomenon, I was close, but not quite there yet.

"Ask me anything, and I will answer as best I can." He said, and I took a deep breath. "I have wings, does that mean that I can fly?" I asked him cautiously. "I believe so my dear, I was going to let you settle in a little more before getting you used to your new abilities." He said wisely, and I nodded. That would have to be a concept I needed to get used to.

Just the thought that a person could fly was almost insane. I knew that wizards used to use dragons to get around, but there was only one left and it was trapped under Uther's castle, there was no way that we would be able to get to him. And now here I was, being told that I am able to fly, just like birds, and the angels I've read about in stories before. I was one of them now, a mythical creature that people only dreamt of in storybooks.

I shook these thoughts out of my head, not wanting to linger on the ideas that the things attached to my back. "What else can I do?" I asked in a small voice, not really wanting to know the answer to that question. The druid sighed and looked at me. "You have magic, just like your brother, but do not worry, we will teach you everything you need to know, although I feel that a lot of it will come from your heart, your instincts. We know that you are a wonderful person who will do everything that you can to save the people around you that you love. I trust, when the time comes, you will do what is right." Meeri said, making me take a deep breath and take in everything that he had said.

I knew that I was a good person, and I did really care about my friends and family. I would do anything to save them, I had already risked my life for them, and now I was separated from them for who knows how long, possibly forever. I had never imagined that I would have to be away from my family, from Merlin, yet here I was, without him.

"You need to settle in, go anywhere in the forest you wish, Uther will not bother you here." Meeri said, and I thanked him, before standing and walking out of the tent. I took another deep breath and shook away my thoughts of Merlin. There was no use thinking about him right now, I couldn't see him, or be anywhere near him until I figured this all out and decided who I was.

I looked around the camp and noticed that Mordred was off with a few of the other Druids, seemingly talking about something important, so I didn't want to bother them. Then I noticed that there was some movement coming from the tent that I had used yesterday and assumed that it was Lancelot. I wanted to spend more time with him, but didn't want to disturb him, so I walked to the edge of the camp and leant against a tree, taking some time to allow myself to relax for a few seconds.

His Guardian Angel 2Where stories live. Discover now