Chapter 7 - The Witchfinder

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I sighed and shifted slightly, trying to get more comfortable from where I sat atop Heaven. Lancelot was standing beside his horse, bending down to gather water from the river as we needed some for the horses. I waited patiently, simply thinking about the last few months. I had assumed that once I'd left Camelot that I wouldn't be having to risk my life, or watch my brother do it, but it seemed that someone else had other plans for me, and wanted me to be involved in the plots that the royal family couldn't stay away from.

I smiled as Lancelot stepped closer to me and gave Heaven some water. The knight finished off and hopped back onto his own horse, quickly pulling out the map that Meeri had given him, checking that we were on the right course. "We need to follow the river for a little longer, then we should reach the Camelot border shortly." Lancelot said, putting the map back in his bag. I nodded and we started off again, playing around as we rode along the river, just having fun as two friends should.

We soon reached the border and I paused for a second, before removing all hesitations from my mind. This is what I was born to do, I needed to protect Camelot, even if it was just the little villages on the outskirts. I took a deep breath and kicked my horse back into a walk, falling into step beside Lancelots horse.

"We should be there by sundown. And I think there should be an inn there because it's quite close to the border." Lancelot said, making me nod and smile at the knight, glad that we would have a bed to sleep in for the night. "Are you scared?" I asked the knight in a small voice, knowing that I was terrified of what was to come, and what would happen if I was caught and taken to Uther.

"No, because I trust you Amara, and I trust that your magic and instincts will lead us to exactly the place we need to be." He said, making my cheeks flush gently. I whispered a small thank you to the handsome man next to me, and there wasn't another word spoken until we reached the small village. Lancelot and I dismounted our horses, and spotted a stable where we could hopefully keep them while we stayed here.

The knight made a move to go towards the small town, but I placed my hand on his arm to stop him. "I think that while we're travelling I should go by Ana. If someone talks about me in Camelot then I could be found. When it's just the two of us it should be fine, but when there's others around, try to call me Ana." I said, and Lancelot nodded seriously, understanding the danger that I would be in if I were caught.

We made our way to the stables and handed the man there a few coins before letting him take our horses, saying that we didn't know how long we'd be here for and we'd pay him more later. Then I looped my arm with Lancelot's and we headed off to the inn, where there was a small amount of noise coming from. We stepped inside and I noticed that it was relatively quiet, other than a few workers and some people drinking.

Lancelot made his way over to the innkeeper and they held a short conversation as I looked around the inn. Something felt off to me, but I couldn't tell what until my eyes fell on the darkest corner of the inn, where a man sat, wearing almost all black and a hood covering most of his face. There was a plate of food in front of him but it seemed untouched as he sat there with his eyes closed.

A hand on my shoulder brought my attention away from the strange man and back to Lancelot who was now standing by me. "He has a room for us for the night, he said he'll provide us with some food while he prepares it. I've paid him for seven nights, but told him that we may need more." He said, making me nod slowly.

Lance led us over to a table and I made sure that I sat down where I had the strange man in my line of sight. Food and water was brought out for us and I noticed a few people glancing at us strangely, probably because of the odd clothes we were wearing, and wondering why some 'nobles' were in a small, lowly inn. Once we had finished eating the innkeeper came over and told us that our room was ready, making us thank him.

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