Chapter 8 - The Sins of the Father

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"That was definitely not me, Merlin was the rebel of the family." I said, smiling over at Lancelot who was smirking at me from where he stood by the river, filling our water bottles up. "Oh yeah, really. I'm sure that you got up to some mischief in your youth." The knight said, making me shake my head. "I was the perfect child." I said, and Lance just shook his head at me, obviously not believing me, but not saying anything more on the matter.

"How long do you think until we reach the next village?" I asked him, grabbing an apple from my bag for Heaven. "We should be close, so hopefully we'll get there before nightfall, but I can't promise anything, it seems like there's a storm heading our way." Lance said, making me nod and look up at the sky.

We had left our last village yesterday, and were making our way along the border, trying to avoid well-known routes so that we didn't run into any of the Camelot border patrols. We had said goodbye to John and Nathaniel, who both said that they were extremely grateful for us being in the city when we were. Lancelot had also had a lengthy conversation with the innkeeper, as the two had gotten relatively close during our stay.

"Come on, we should get going now. It seems the sky won't be on our side." Lancelot said, putting the few things he had used back on his bags and then mounted his horse. Heaven came over to me and I mounted her as well, following after Lancelot as I did. As we neared the village it started to rain quite heavily so we galloped down into the place, paying a stable boy to keep our horses there for a few nights and then heading down to the local pub, where there were a few people dotted here and there.

"Excuse me, we were hoping there would be a bed for us for a few nights." Lancelot said, going over to the innkeeper. "Thomas has a spare room, as long as he's willing to put you up for a few nights, but it'll cost you. I'll talk to him now for you." The woman said, sounding a little beat down by the world. I entwined one of my hands with Lancelot and he looked down at me and smiled as the women went to talk to a man who was sitting in the corner.

Lance and I sat down and I looked around the place. It was definitely less well kept than the place we had been before, with holes in the roof and walls, and benches that creaked dangerously when you sat in the wrong place. Even as we were walking through the village earlier I could sense that this place didn't have as much money available as the last town we had been in.

"Tom will have you for three nights, no more, he says. He's just over there, talk to him yourself." The woman said as she came over, before bustling away again. Lance and I stood up and moved over to where Thomas was, sitting opposite him, causing the dishevelled man to look up at us, a weary look on his face. "I'm Ana, and this is Lancelot, the woman said that you had a spare room for us." I said, and he nodded, rubbing his eyes gently.

"Here." Lancelot said, sliding a small bag of money across the table to him. The man took it and stood up, before leading us out of the pub and across the street to what I assumed was his house. We went inside and there was a woman in there, cooking something over the fire. "Oh, hello. I'm Emma, Tom's wife." The woman said, holding a hand out to us, which we both shook. "Lancelot, and this is Ana." The man said, and Emma smiled at us gently.

"You three are just in time, I've just finished dinner." She said, before pouring small amounts into some bowls. I sighed under my breath as I noticed how little there was for only two people let alone four. "That's quite alright, you two eat it up, we've already eaten tonight." I said, grabbing onto Lancelot's hand carefully.

"Oh, well your room is just through there, and I should have some clean water if you wish to wash in the morning." Emma said, and I thanked her quietly before leading my friend into the room with me. We placed our bags on the floor and then got changed slowly, peeling our wet clothes off of us.

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