Chapter 5 - Beauty and the Beast Part 1

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I wrapped my arms around myself as a cold wind blew through the druid camp. Winter was starting to set in and we were starting to keep small fires alight during the day as well as the mornings and evenings. Lancelot had visited a local village a week or so ago and traded a few things for warmer clothes for everyone, and I had helped the women to sew some warmer blankets that we could use overnight for when the cold set in.

I had gone back to wearing my white dress because it was warmer than the other one, and I almost always wore my cloak to try and keep warm. I practised my magic often, and tried to use my wings for as much as I could to practice with them both, making sure that they were as strong as I could make them.

I had made a plan with Meeri that I would stay with the Druids for as long as I needed, and I agreed with Lancelot that when I was ready we would head back to Camelot and help the outlying villages, and I would travel into the main city if I ever got a vision that required me to be there.

But for now I was staying with the Druids, and I was happy with that, I was content to let someone else do the saving in the main city. I'm sure Merlin could handle things for a little while longer, he had been doing alright so far.

"You alright Amara?" Someone asked, making me look up and see Lancelot coming over to me, sitting down next to me. I smiled gently at him and nodded, placing my head on his shoulder to make me more comfortable. "Just lost in thought I guess." I mumbled, but I knew that Lancelot would be able to hear me. We sat in a comfortable silence for a little while longer before we were interrupted by Mordred.

"Lancelot, you promised to teach me more fighting today. And Ana, Aglain wanted to see you." He said, making the knight and I look at each other, an annoyed look in our eyes. We hadn't really been able to get that much time alone together, because I was practising magic as much as I could, and Lancelot had been learning a few things from the male Druids that he was helping out.

The only time that we were really alone together was in our tent in the evenings, but we were usually exhausted, so didn't get much time to talk to each other before we fell asleep, and it was all go again in the morning. Lancelot was honestly the reason that I think I was still sane, after everything that had happened in the past few months I was extremely glad that he was still standing by my side.

I walked through the camp and over to Aglain's tent, who was waiting outside for me. I smiled at him as I came to a stand next to him. "Mordred said you wanted to see me." I said, and the druid nodded. "One of the young men was out collecting some herbs for me, but came across something he shouldn't have. He has been poisoned, I was thinking that you could get some practice healing people using your magic." He said, making me nod and feel extremely scared. I had never healed anyone using my magic before, and I was terrified that if I did something wrong it would result in the Druid's death.

I walked into the tent, followed by Aglain, my heart going out to the poor man who was lying on the floor, looking extremely pale and weak. I took a deep breath and went over to him, kneeling down next to him gently. I sighed and brought my hands out in front of me so that they were just over the man's chest.

I waited for a few seconds before the spell appeared in my mind. I hesitated slightly, knowing that this would go one of two ways. "Sanguine suo pura." I whispered and I watched as my hands glowed a pure white for a few seconds before stopping. I looked up at Aglain quickly who knelt down next to the man.

"Is he alright?" I asked, as he checked the man's vital signs. The healer looked up at me and smiled. "He's fine, just sleeping now. I believe all the poison has been removed from his body." He said, making me let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I smiled and took a deep breath, proud of myself that I had been able to heal him properly. "Well done, executed perfectly. I'm sure Meeri will be glad with your progress." The healer said, making me blush gently.

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