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Okay, it has been a long, wild ride, but we are finally here. The end of His Guardian Angel 2. Thank you so much to everyone who has stuck with this story, especially the long periods between updates. I am really bad at sticking to writing only one story at a time, which is why this has taken so long, but I think I am back on the Merlin train (one I will hopefully be on for a while).

As I have mentioned before, I am planning to have a five book series, so there should be a Guardian Angel 3, 4, and 5 coming out eventually, although I'm not sure when. I have also not really thought about plot at all, so if anyone has any suggestions about what could happen during seasons 3, 4, and 5 I will welcome them with open arms. 

I can assure readers that the next book will most likely contain the reunion of Arthur and his Guardian Angel, which I am so excited to write!!

Also, out of curiosity, I have been wondering what man readers are rooting for. Now that we have had one book focusing mainly on Arthur, and one focusing more on Lancelot, leave a comment below about who you prefer with Amara. 

Arthur and Amara (Amthur?)

Lancelot and Amara (Amelot?) (Lanara?)

Thank you once again to everyone who has read this book, I really hope you enjoyed it. 

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