Chapter 3 - The Nightmare Begins

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I stood with Lancelot as he prepared his horse for his journey. "I won't be gone for long, and I can always come back if you need me to." The knight said as he placed his bag on his horse. "Yeah, I know, it's just it's the first time that you've left since..." I said, trailing off, not wanting to finish it. Lancelot came over and pulled me to him. I sighed and wrapped my own arms around him. "I'll miss you." I said, causing the knight to chuckle. "I'll miss you too." He said, before going over to his horse and mounting it.

I watched as he made sure that everything was secure and I gave him a small smile when he looked back at me. Lancelot kicked his horse into motion and he galloped into the forest. I watched for as long as I could before he disappeared from sight. I let out a small sigh and turned back around, walking back to the Druid Camp. I went over to my tent and grabbed my cloak, knowing that it could get cold this time of day.

As I finished fastening it I heard someone come over to me and I turned to see that it was Mordred, who was smiling at me. I smiled back at him gently, glad of the company. "Has Lance left already?" He asked, a tone of sadness in his voice, making me nod. "But, he will be back soon, and I'm sure you could practice your swordplay with someone else until then." I said, making the small boy giggle.

"Do you know how to sword fight?" Mordred asked, making me chuckle. "No I don't, I'm afraid, but I'm sure you'll find someone willing to play with you. I would, but I was going to take a walk through the woods, just to clear my head. If Meeri asks for me, tell him that would you." I said, and the boy nodded, before running off with his 'sword', looking for someone to fight with.

True to my words I walked away from the camp, passing Heaven as I did. I gave the gorgeous horse a small treat, before continuing through the woods, deciding to simply walk, rather than ride today. I meandered through the trees slowly, taking in the silence, glad to have a moment to myself.

The Druid camp was alright, but things could get slightly crowded with everyone there. I was glad that I had the chance to just let go. It was very similar to when I would go out back in Camelot, to take my mind off of the latest monster that was roaming through the land, trying to kill Uther or Arthur.

I sighed and kicked at the ground, noticing that it was starting to get darker. I wish that I could've spent more time with Lancelot today, but Meeri had wanted me to train with him this morning. Not that I wasn't grateful for it, I had managed to do some really simple spells, and they were really beautiful if you asked me. I just wish that I could have been with Lancelot, as I knew that he would be leaving shortly after lunch.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my erratic heart. I knew that Lancelot would be okay, he was a knight, if not by title, then by heart. I had seen him in action, multiple times, nothing bad would happen to him, he was very handy with a sword.

I was about to turn around and start heading back to the camp, but I heard a scream come from somewhere in the forest. I looked up and started trying to find where it had come from. The person screamed again and I started to race through the trees to where I thought it was coming from. I came across a large ditch and saw that a woman in a red cloak was standing in the middle of it, surrounded by creatures.

Words appeared in my head, and without even thinking I muttered them under my breath, trusting that whatever I was going to do would save this woman. "Eam solam relinquere." I muttered and all the creatures flew back, and they soon scurried away. I took a deep breath, before realising the woman had fallen over and seemed to be unconscious in the middle now.

I jumped down from where I was and rushed over to her, gasping as I turned her over, seeing her face. "Morgana." I whispered under my breath, taking in the view of the King's ward. What was she doing here? We were extremely far away from Camelot, and she was obviously by herself, or the knights would have swooped in and rescued her by now.

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