Chapter 1 - The Curse of Cornelius Sigan

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A/N: The episode titles are very unlikely to relate to what is going on with Amara and her story. The episode is just so readers can understand what is going on in Camelot at the time, as there may be some mentions of the episodes in the story.

I smiled up at Lancelot as he fed our horses some food for the long journey that we had ahead of us. We had been in Ealdor for a week and I knew that it was time to leave, we couldn't risk being here any longer. We had spent all our time either with my mother or in the forest gathering food and supplies we would need for our journey.

I had paid an emotional visit to Will's grave and told him that I had kept my promise to be with Arthur, and I had told him that I loved him, but it just wasn't meant to be between the two of us. Maybe there was someone out there who was destined for him, but it wasn't me.

"When should we leave?" Lancelot asked me, and I looked up at him, removing myself from my memories of Will. "As soon as we can. I know that Merlin will be worried about me, and he should have figured out by now that I'm not in Camelot, and if he comes looking for me, this will be the first place he will come. And if I'm here, there will be no way I could escape Arthur." I said, and Lancelot nodded, before going back to his horse.

"Why would the Prince be here as well, surely he wouldn't be allowed to leave Camelot." He said, in confusion, and I took a deep breath, not knowing if I should tell the knight about my feelings towards the young prince. "Other than the fact that Merlin would drag him along, Arthur and I grew quite close to each other after you'd left. We came to understand each other more. I don't want to think how he feels right now. I left immediately after we..." I said, trailing off at the end, thinking about the kiss we had shared.

"What?" Lancelot asked, curiosity lacing through his voice. I looked up and saw that he had walked closer, now only standing a few paces from me. I took a deep breath and sighed, debating whether or not I should tell him the truth. I knew that Lancelot had once cared about me, he had said so in his letter to me, but it had been a while since then, and I cared so deeply for Arthur now that I didn't want to confuse the knight.

I decided that it was best not to tell Lancelot, so I looked up at him and spoke. "It's nothing, I just feel bad. I'm going to head back to the house, gather all our things so we can leave." I said, before turning and walking back to the village, internally cursing myself for not being brave enough to confess to the knight. I just wanted to make sure that he stayed with me, I was terrified that he was going to leave me and I'd have to do this by myself.

I had already talked to my mother about what happened, and she had reassured me that everything would be okay, but I simply didn't believe her, nothing had been okay since Arthur had been bitten by that Questing Beast, and everything just seemed to be getting worse. She had assured me that everything happened for a reason and that we would follow our destinies. However, I just couldn't see why my destiny would pull me from Camelot, everyone other than my mother was there. Merlin was there, along with Gaius, Morgana and Gwen. Arthur was there.

I reached the house and went in, before subconsciously packing mine and Lancelot's bags, already knowing what I needed to pack. I heard the door open, and was relieved to find that it was mother. She smiled at me when she walked in and I returned the gesture before placing the last few things in our bags.

I turned to my mother and sighed lightly, knowing that it was going to be the last time I saw her in a while, maybe even longer than I cared to believe. "Mother, I want you to promise me something." I said, grabbing one of the bags and slinging it over my shoulder, just picking up the other one. Mother just nodded and I placed my free hand on her shoulder.

"If Merlin, or Arthur, or anyone from Camelot comes here looking for me, you cannot let them know that I have been here. Just tell them that you haven't seen or heard anything from me since you returned to Ealdor." I said and mother nodded slowly. "We should get going." I whispered, and mother nodded. I gave her a long hug, savouring every second with her, before putting the hood up on my cloak and walking out of the house, going to the forest where I knew Lancelot would be waiting for me.

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