Chapter Three: Thank God For Alcohol

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"Mara, would you like to say grace?" Nonna asked. Mara sighed and shook her head.

"Not tonight. I'm too tired to remember what I'm thankful for," she admitted, pouring herself a glass of water to avoid the disapproving glare of her Nonna.

"Fine. James, since you are our guest, I will say grace." She reached a hand out to him, and he realized that she was to his left. He gently took her wrinkled hand in his, thankful for the sun that warmed his leather glove. Mara took his other hand and clasped her Nonna's. Although both women lowered their heads, he noticed that only Nonna closed her eyes. Mara just stared intensely at her bowl. "Dear Lord, thank you for this warm day," Nonna began. "Thank you for the opinion piece that made me laugh this morning and orange juice and..." as Nonna rattled off a long list of things she was thankful for Bucky glanced up again only to make eye contact with Mara. He quickly lowered his gaze, but he had a feeling that she was still staring at him.

"And thank you for James' knife skills, and thank you for Mara's job, and thank you for vodka. Amen!" Nonna concluded after what felt like the longest prayer Bucky had ever heard. Granted, it had been a while since he heard anyone pray.

"Vodka, Nonna? Really?" Mara asked skeptically.

"What?" Nonna asked innocently, her bite of pasta poised in mid-air. "Jesus drank wine."

"I swear you have the most selective memory in all of New York," Mara said coolly. "There was more to the sermon than that and you know it."

"Don't scowl so, Mara, you'll get wrinkles," Nonna said dismissively and clearly trying to change the subject. Mara rolled her eyes and took a slice of bread, using it to help her scoop more pasta onto her fork than Bucky thought she could fit in her mouth. But fit it she did and once he had his first bite of the pasta he understood why.

"Nonna," he said quietly after chewing and swallowing, "this might be the most fantastic meal I've ever had."

"Oh!" Nonna exclaimed, placing one hand on her heart and the other on his gloved hand. "You absolute charmer! Mara, isn't he charming?"

"Quite," Mara answered, stuffing another bite into her mouth before Nonna could expect her to say more.

"Now, James, tell me more about yourself. Where are you from? Where do you live? What do your parents do? Do you have a girlfriend? Boyfriend? What do you do for a job?" Nonna asked, each question coming after the other so quickly that Bucky didn't think she breathed in between them.

"I- ah-" he paused for a second, knowing that he didn't want to lie but he wasn't ready to tell the truth. "I grew up in Brooklyn and left when I was young, but I'm finally back," he began. He hadn't been back in New York since he was drafted, which was eighty years ago. So that part was true.

"Bah!" Nonna said, throwing her hands up. "Brooklyn. It's all coffee shops and vegans now," she said dismissively. "It must be so different from when you left!"

"Very," Bucky agreed, taking a big gulp of water before answering the next question. "My parents passed away when I was young so I was basically raised by my friend, Steve's mom. She passed away a while ago too." Again, not not true.

"My son, Alberto, he and his wife, Rosa, they died when Alexander was only three years old," Nonna placed one hand on her heart and her other over Bucky's hand. "I took Alexander in, and I'm glad there was someone to take you in too." Bucky smiled tightly and nodded.

"Mrs. Rogers was a good woman. And Steve was like a brother to me," he continued. "Steve and I served together. He-" Bucky paused, not sure how to phrase what exactly Steve had done.

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