Chapter Twenty Three: Tech Support

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The last time Bucky had woken up to the smell of frying bacon was over seventy years ago. His Pop would always fry bacon on Christmas morning. Bucky and his sisters knew that they couldn't come out of their rooms until they smelled it. But the moment the scent of cooking fat wafted through their little apartment the three of them would come tearing out of the room like little vârtejuri. They would crowd around the table, eating the hot meat while their father recited the story of the nativity and their mother produced the three gifts that she had hidden away from prying eyes and grubby hands. Bucky hadn't thought about Christmas in a long time.

"Good, you're awake!" Nonna exclaimed, sticking her head into the room. "Hungry?"

"Starved," Bucky replied, swinging himself to an upright position. Nonna beamed and went back into the kitchen.

A minute later Mara stumbled into the room, her eyes practically closed as she made her way to the kitchen on muscle memory. She plopped down at the table and Nonna wordlessly placed a mug of coffee in front of her. Mara drank it greedily and Bucky joined her at the table.

"How did you sleep?" Nonna asked as she bustled around the kitchen. Now that Bucky was in the room he could see the full fledged operation happening. Toast, eggs, coffee, bacon, Nonna had been busy. He was surprised that he had slept through it all.

"Great, thank you," he answered truthfully. Mara stretched with a groan.

"How long until the little gnomi arrive?" she asked. Nonna checked the clock.

"Fifteen minutes," she replied.

"Unless you want to lose your other arm, I suggest you eat the bacon before they get here," Mara said to Bucky with a smirk. She stood and poured herself a second cup of coffee. She poured Bucky one as well.

Mara handed him the cup and sat back down at the table. Nonna set two plates before them, both piled high with food.

"This looks amazing, thank you," Bucky said in awe as the older woman sat down. Nonna waved away his compliments.

"Bah, we should be thanking you! Mara left me a note telling me that you were staying the night," she reached over and clasped Bucky's hand. "Such a sweet boy."

Bucky felt himself blush.

"Dear Lord, thank you for James," Nonna began her prayer. Bucky closed his eyes and felt Mara slip her hand into his. It was nice to have a moment of quiet.

The quiet did not last long. Within seconds of the table being cleared, the sound of little fists knocking on the door began. Nonna let them all in with a compliment and a kiss, while Mara hurried to her room to change and avoid the initial wave of energy. Bucky allowed himself to be swept away in it, the pack of children clamoring around him. By the time Mara returned he was surrounded and telling the children Captain America stories. He glanced up at her and caught her smiling at the sight. He stuck out like an oak tree in a fairy garden, his dark jacket and heavy boots contrasting against the technicolor children's clothes, and even the tallest child barely reaching his hip.

After twenty minutes of storytelling, complete with Bucky replacing the Commandos' creative curses with nonsensical phrases, Nonna parted the sea of children like Moses.

"It's time for James to go now," she said over the chorus of whines. "Say 'thank you, James!'"

"Thank you, James," the children echoed. He smiled and rose, careful to not step on any of them as he made his way out of the room. Mara followed, laughing.

"Oh, they adore you," she said, closing the door behind them and leaning against it.

"Really?" He asked, surprised at the thought. "I just have lots of stories about Steve."

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now