Chapter Sixty Four: Descent Into Gibberish And Madness

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Bucky and Mara agreed on many things. They agreed that old school TV shows were better than the vast majority of modern ones. They agreed that Wakanda was one of- if not the best- places on earth. They even agreed that pineapple was not the enemy when it came to pizza toppings: anchovies were. But the one thing that they would never agree on was the idea that taking the bus was somehow better than simply riding Bucky's bike.

He hadn't argued with Mara when she marched past his parked motorcycle and headed for the bus stop. Something was clearly bothering her and the last thing he wanted to do was add himself to the list of things pissing her off. But the bus lurched beneath him at every stop, and he kept having to adjust himself to keep his legs and buttocks from going numb, all while keeping an eye on the dozens of people coming and going. Within just a few minutes he was certain that if hell was real, this would be what his personal circle looked like. Because Hydra had nothing on public transportation.

"Okay, when we get there we should split up to cover more ground," Mara explained, her voice devoid of emotions. She handed him half of the list that she had assembled. "Just get whatever's cheapest. Nonna can make off-brand work better than anyone I know."

"Got it."

As the bus stopped for what felt like the hundredth time he glanced at the map and tried to calculate just how much longer he was going to have to suffer in silence.

"We have about ten more blocks," Mara answered before he could ask.

"Ten?" he replied in shock.

"There are almost no grocery stores in the area, and even less that aren't some high price, vegan, organic, hipster bullshit," she explained. "You want someplace cheap with more to offer than the corner store or deli? You gotta travel a bit."

"Fuckin' hell," he muttered, sliding down in his seat and rubbing his face.

"Welcome to the food desert," she replied dryly. "Lots of places went under after the Snap, either because the owners were gone or the customers were. Most of the places that survived only did so because their owners were already rich."

"I should have brought a cushion," he griped, trying to stretch his legs.

"So dramatic."

"My bike has a seat so comfortable I can spend hours riding without getting so much as a cramp. This monstrosity," he gestured to the bus seat, "is carpet covered plastic specially designed to give a person chronic back pain."

"Okay, we need to find a way to pass the time because I am too tired to listen to your whining," she teased as she pulled out her phone. "We are going to find you a therapist."

"You know, the MTA really is an under-appreciated organization," he began, but she just rolled her eyes and continued to click through her phone.

"Nice try, but you are not getting out of this. First question: would you like a man, a woman, or a non binary therapist?"

"Does it matter?"

"Just depends who you're more comfortable with," she replied with a shrug.

He weighed his options. A man would get some of what he was going through, just guy to guy, but it also increased the likelihood of Bucky being reminded of his handlers. A non binary therapist was maybe a bit too advanced for him considering he had yet to put a label on his own sexuality. Which left-

"A woman," he decided aloud. Mara nodded and typed something into her phone.

"Okay, female, background in trauma, PTSD, and soldiers, works with adults, LGBT affirming-"

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now