Chapter Eighty-Seven: Friends Of Friends And Family Of Family

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"Are you sure you have everything?" Nonna fussed, attempting to crane her head into the backseat of the car and count the presents that nearly blocked out the rearview window. Bucky muttered something about Sam getting spoiled as he tried to fit the bags and boxes together neatly before standing and closing the door in frustration.

"Even if we don't, I'm not sure how we'll fit anything else," he grumbled, shooting Mara a warning look as if she were about to remember something and make him repack the car. Again.

"We've got it all," Mara assured them both, gently pulling her grandmother away from the car before she could spot anything she would believe needed to be fixed. "If you come with us you won't have to worry so much?" she offered, but Nonna waved away the comment.

"These old bones can't handle travel like they used to," she said with a shrug. "I'll be alright. I have plans with a friend."

"Well, we will miss you," Bucky replied, stooping down and kissing her cheek with a grin. "And I know Sam will miss having his drinking buddy."

"I'll see him when he comes up here," Nonna said with a laugh, swatting Bucky away from her and towards Mara. Mara grinned as she watched them mess with each other, Nonna using all her strength to keep up with Bucky and Bucky intentionally holding back. But the younger of the two won out, and Bucky ended up holding on to Mara for support as he stumbled away from her grandmother.

"Stop trying to break my boyfriend!" Mara chided through her laughter as Bucky made a show of leaning against the car and catching his breath.

"Bah!" Nonna exclaimed, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Go on, you two!" she said, prodding them towards the car.

"Hang on. Who is this friend you have plans with?" Bucky asked, standing up and holding firm against Nonna's pushes. "Is this the same friend you've been spending every other weekend with?" he added, glancing at Mara with a smirk. Lately it seemed that if Nonna wasn't fussing over Mara despite her being fully healed she was out with her unnamed friend and ignoring their calls and texts.

"I am allowed to have friends," the old woman grumbled, bony fingers jabbing him in the chest. "I'm only eighty, you know. I'm not dead yet!"

"You don't look a day over sixty," Bucky said with a sly grin as he caught her hand and kissed the back of it. Nonna sputtered and blushed as he charmed his way past her excuses.

"Come on, Nonna," Mara said sweetly, sliding in beside Bucky and grinning at her grandmother. "You get every juicy detail about Bucky and me, it's only fair that you share with us too!"

"Bah! What makes you so sure I'm seeing someone?" she demanded. Mara grinned and shook her head.

"Mrs. Linda in 3C doesn't get you smiling like this," she answered. "You told me once that the only thing keeping you from finding love again was taking care of everyone else. First Alex, and then me." Her smile softened and she leaned against Bucky who still held onto Nonna's hand. "I'm okay now, Nonna," she promised. "You can finally start living for yourself again."

Nonna stared at her with an open mouth before pulling her into a tight hug.

"Damn you, bambina," she muttered, kissing Mara's cheek and covering her face with lipstick marks. She glanced at Bucky and pulled him into the hug as well. "You two won't let me be, will you?" she demanded with a wet chuckle.

"We love you too much to not meddle," Mara agreed.

The three of them swayed together in the blistering sun until Nonna finally sighed in defeat and leaned back.

"Very well," she relented dramatically. "If you simply must know..." Her voice trailed off and she grinned at them. "I am seeing someone."

"I knew it!" Mara crowed, grasping Nonna's hands in hers and giving them an excited shake. "Who is it?"

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now