Chapter Fifty Nine: The Darkest Nights

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TW: Discussion of sexual assault. If you are uncomfortable with reading the chapter, I can put in the comments where the TW starts to apply and/or a summary of the chapter.

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Sometimes it was hard for Mara to describe how she felt, especially when it came to Bucky. Between their rocky start to their obscene amount of baggage to the fact that they had only experienced their relationship while on the run, there was a lot to summarize in a few words. But at this moment, she knew exactly how she felt about him.

"I hate you!" she managed to hiss through clenched teeth. Bucky looked at her, mouth drawn into a pout.

"I already said I was sorry. Three times," he reminded her, but she silenced him with a loud shushing noise and a vehement shake of her head.

"Doesn't matter. I had to be awake for that whole landing, and without alcohol to boot!" she scolded, kicking her legs out to stop him from coming closer and unstrapping her.

"I didn't mean to," he protested, hands raised in surrender. "My leg fell asleep! I was just trying to get blood flow back."

"Four days. You stayed in one place for four days to shoot Movoniv's car, but you couldn't keep it together for another thirty minutes?" she demanded, letting go of her harness to wave her hands around like she was swatting at gnats. Bucky took the opportunity to push in again, this time succeeding in unstrapping her despite her protests.

"I already had to suffer you holding my fingers for the entire descent, I think I've been punished enough," he glowered, raising his right hand so she could see the redness her Hulk-like grip had caused. "Are you trying to get my other hand amputated? Is that the plan? So you can watch Shuri make me another prosthetic?"

"How-" Mara stared at him, shock and anger stopping the rest of her sentence. "Are you trying to turn this around on me?"

"If the glove fits," he replied smugly. Mara rolled her eyes and stood up, grabbing his shoulder for support.

"It's a good thing you're cute," she warned him, pushing off of him and heading for the bay door. "Otherwise I'd have no reason to like you."

"Oh, no reason?" Bucky demanded, catching up to her in two long strides. The others watched in amusement as he turned her around to face him. "Are you sure about that?" he asked softly, leaning in so his face was mere inches from her's.

Mara felt her cheeks heat and forced herself to hold Bucky's gaze, despite the fact that he smirked when her breath caught and his eyes flicked down to her mouth.

"No reason at all?"

"I can think of one," Mara replied after a long pause. Bucky grinned and instead of pulling back he actually leaned in closer. Yet Mara held her ground.

"Just one?" he asked teasingly. She smiled and nodded.

"But it's a big one," she said softly.

"Let's hear it, then," he said, his voice so low only she could hear it.

"You're my green card into Wakanda!" Mara exclaimed, before turning and practically bounding down the ramp to the palace pavilion. She could hear the others laughing behind her, but her focus was entirely on the solid ground beneath her feet. Just as the others joined her a group emerged from the palace, walking towards them. The Americans took a few steps closer, and soon Mara and Shuri recognized each other.

"Usisi!" Shuri called out, breaking from the group to run over and hug Mara tightly. The two women giggled as Mara stumbled from the force of the embrace, before steadying and holding onto each other tightly. "I was so worried about you," Shuri explained, stepping back slightly so her voice was not muffled by Mara's hair.

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now