Chapter Twenty Two: Military Corners and Memories

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Bucky stared up at Mara, his hand still keeping the bat aloft. She was breathing heavily and had a wild look in her eyes that he recognized. It was the same look that he saw in the mirror after a bad night.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Mara demanded, finally lowering the bat. "You damn near gave me a heart attack!"

"Nonna called me and asked me to come over," Bucky explained slowly. He reached over and turned on the lamp. Mara blinked in the sudden light and rubbed her eyes. That was when he noticed the blood on her scrubs. "What happened to you?" He asked, staring at smears of red. Mara looked down at the bloody top and groaned.

"It's been a really long day," she said simply.

"I guess so," he replied. Mara was never one for hiding her emotions, and right now she looked like she was on a hair trigger. "Mara, what's wrong? Nonna said that you were worried about something."

Mara rubbed her face and nodded. "How do you-" she paused and gestured with the bat for him to make room on the couch. He did and she sank down next to him. "How do you know if someone is tailing you?"

"Is that what happened? Someone was following you?" He asked, his brows knit. Mara nodded.

"I think so."

"Tell me everything," he replied. Mara did as he said, going through all of the strange things that had happened that day. With every added detail Bucky felt the pit in his stomach grow deeper and deeper.

"When things finally settled down at St. Barnabas, Callaghan walked me back. I came in, I saw you sitting on the couch and- and I thought that you were one of them," Mara concluded. "Am I being paranoid or..." her voice trailed off, unable to verbalize what she was afraid of.

"I don't think you are," Bucky replied. Mara's face fell.

"Do you know who they were? Or why they were following me?" She asked fearfully. He sighed and pinched his brow.

"No, but I know some people who can find out," he answered. "Can I see your phone?"

Mara nodded and handed it to him, unlocked. He clicked through the apps and settings, looking, hoping that his suspicions would not be confirmed. She stood and went to the kitchen. When she returned she was holding a full glass of wine and the bottle. She drank it quickly while he worked.

"Did you let anyone use your phone in the past few days?" Bucky asked as she poured her second glass.

"No. I mean, I let some of the kids that Nonna watches play a game on it so that I could get five minutes of quiet, but other than that, no." Mara took another deep sip. "Wait, I borrowed someone's portable charger on the bus this morning, does that count?"

"Who?" Bucky asked urgently. "Have you ever seen them before?"

"I don't think so," Mara admitted. "It was just some business man. But he didn't even touch it!"

Bucky grimaced. "Trust me, they can do plenty of damage without physically touching your phone," he explained. "I can't be sure but I'm worried that someone might have tapped you."

"Why?" Mara stared at him, and he felt a massive twinge of guilt at the sight of her face. She was exhausted and scared and Bucky was almost certain that he was to blame.

"I don't know, but it probably has something to do with me," he admitted. No point in lying to her or sugar coating. Mara would just know that he was hiding something and get even more upset.

"You?" Mara repeated, her face scrunched up in worry. "Like someone would use Nonna and I to get to you?"

"To get information on me or to try to hurt me," Bucky explained. "But you and Nonna aren't a part of that side of my life," he continued. "And I want to keep it that way," he added firmly.

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now