Chapter Twenty Five: Death By Donorcycle

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A knock at the door woke Mara from her fitful dozing. She checked the clock, it had only been thirty minutes.

"Did you order a pizza?" Nonna shouted from the living area. Mara sat up with a start and ran out of the room. Nonna was in the doorway, talking to a delivery boy.

"I didn't, but I think I know who did," Mara answered as she took the box and handed the boy a crumpled twenty dollar bill. Nonna followed her to the kitchen, complaining that if things were as dire as Mara claimed then they didn't have time for food. She stopped speaking when Mara opened the box to reveal the pizza margherita and the letter taped to the top of the box.

"M," she read aloud, "I'm assuming that something has gone very wrong and am reacting as such. If I am misreading the situation, call me NOW and we can talk about not giving me a heart attack via Chinese food."

"What the hell is he talking about?" Nonna demanded. Mara waved away her question and continued reading.

"I am sending a cab to pick up N. I know the driver, he will get her somewhere safe without being tailed. You need to go to Brooklyn VA Hospital as if you've been called into work. Take only what you can fit into your backpack. I'll tell you what to do when you get there. Stay safe, B."

Mara folded the letter and looked at Nonna, who was eating a slice of the pizza.

"I'm stress eating," she snapped. Mara took one of the slices as well.

"I've packed your things into your quilting bag," Mara explained as she ate. "I don't know how long we will have to be gone for, but I put in your medication and comfortable clothes. You should check and make sure that I didn't forget anything."

"I got Mr. Giovani to watch the kids until their parents can pick them up, so will you please tell me what is going on?" Nonna asked as she went for her second slice.

"It's like I told you, a strange man forced me into his car on my way home from the store," Mara said. "He had a gun, and he kept asking me questions about Alex and Bucky. Did you know that Alex was stationed in Israel?"

"No, he was in Afghanistan," Nonna replied. Mara shook her head.

"That's what I thought too. But this man, Movoniv, he said that Alex was actually in Israel working on something called Project: Resurrection, and it was important enough that Hydra had him killed," Mara explained. "He knew about Bucky, about the Winter Soldier, that I had given my phone to Bucky to find the bug, everything. Nonna, he scared the crap out of me," Mara admitted.

"He was the one having you followed?" Nonna asked.

"Yes. He didn't say why. I sent Bucky food from a Chinese place by his apartment that he likes with a note telling him that I needed to talk to him but couldn't. I guess he liked my methods," Mara gestured at the half eaten pizza.

"This is insane," Nonna muttered.

"Yes, but it's what we have to work with," Mara replied. "Now, I need you to check and make sure that I didn't leave behind something important. And I mean actually important. Like, cannot survive without."

"I know what important means," Nonna replied coolly.

"Alcohol is not important," Mara clarified.

"Bah!" Nonna waved her hand dismissively. "I am sure that James has plenty to drink."

"Fair point," Mara admitted. "Now hurry, I don't know when this cab driver will get here."

Nonna walked away, leaving Mara sitting down at the table and seriously considering drinking the mini bottle of vodka in her pocket. It hadn't fallen out of her pocket in her haste to get out of Movoniv's car, and for that she almost prayed in thanks. She needed her wits about her for the next few hours, but once she was safe that bottle was as good as drunk.

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now