Chapter Ten: A Shoulder To Cry On

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Mara was silent the whole bus ride. Nonna sat next to her, her gloved hands folded neatly in her lap, chattering with everyone who came near them. But Mara didn't have the strength to open her mouth, or even turn her head. She just stared out the window, willing herself to keep it together for a few more stops.

The bus finally reached the stop that Mara had been both looking forward to and dreading. Nonna and Mara rose and exited, the old woman clutching onto the younger's arm tightly. The sun beat down on the two figures dressed in black, and Mara was reminded of how she wanted to curse at God for making the sun shine during Alex's funeral. Just once she'd like the weather to match the occasion.

The two women slowly made their way through the wrought iron gate and down the familiar path. Beautifully maintained green grass sprawled out around them, dotted with stone. Nonna commented on the more unique statues, or especially pretty flower arrangements, but Mara was silent. As they neared the plot of land Nonna grew silent as well.

There were three gravestones, side by side. Nonna paused at the first one and smiled. Romano was engraved in elegant font at the top, and below it on the left was engraved "Alexander, Beloved Husband, Father, and Grandfather, Dec 12, 1940 - April 4, 1993." It was a wide stone, and the right side was partially engraved, "Franca, Beloved Wife, Mother, and Grandmother, June 7, 1945 - ."

"How are you, amore mio?" Nonna asked quietly. "The Yankees are doing well, they won last night by two runs in the bottom of the ninth, it was very exciting. You would have loved it."

Mara stood by Nonna's side and handed her one of the bouquets that they had brought. Nonna stooped down and gingerly removed the dead flowers from the bronze vase at the top of the stone before replacing it with the fresh ones. She stood and smiled. "Okay, let's go see Alberto and Rosa," Nonna said after a few moments of staring at the grave.

Mara walked with her over to the second headstone. It was also wide with the name "Romano" engraved at the top. "Alberto, Beloved Son, Husband, and Father, Jan 24, 1963 - Sept 11, 2001" was engraved on the left, and on the right "Rosa, Beloved Daughter, Wife, and Mother, November 28, 1965 - Sept 11, 2001." Nonna took the second bouquet and again removed the dead flowers before replacing them with the new.

"Hello, miei cari!" she said as happily as she could. "How are things up high? Are you the one's keeping us safe despite everything?" she chuckled sadly and shook her head. "Rosa, I made your favorite last night, it's Mara's favorite now too. I used extra garlic, you always liked it to be strong. And Alberto, I was just telling your father about the Yankees, very exciting." She continued to talk about baseball and pasta, but Mara looked to her right, to the final gravestone. The sun was shining over it and she could see the small American flag standing at the corner. It had faded in the sun, she'd have to bring a new one the next time that they visited.

"Well, we're off to see Alexander," Nonna said, "But Mara and I will be back soon, don't you worry!" She squeezed Mara's hand and they made their way to the last grave in the line. "Alexander Romano, Beloved Son and Fiance, May 19, 1995 - August 2, 2011. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith - 2 Timothy 4:7." This time Mara took the flowers and placed them in the vase. She sank down onto the grass and placed a hand on the sun-warmed headstone.

"Hey love," she began, her voice shaky. "I'm sorry it's been so long, things have been really hard lately." Nonna patted her shoulder. "We're okay, don't worry, it's just that with everyone coming back there's been a lot going on," Mara continued.

"Your girl is doing a lot of good," Nonna chimed in. "She's helped so many people now, both as a physical therapist and an ER doctor. I still can't believe how quickly she learned all sorts of emergency medicine when the Snap happened and took so many doctors away." Nonna squeezed Mara's shoulder. Mara smiled tightly and patted Nonna's hand.

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