Chapter Eleven: Revolution Pair Well With Red Wine

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Bucky stared at the contact on his screen, finger hovering over the button. It felt strange having someone other than Yori to call and tell that he was back in town. He wasn't even sure if he was fit to be around other people, but the silence in his apartment was starting to sound dangerously like static and tonight was parcheesi night at the Rec Center, so there was only one person left to call.

Before he could second guess himself, Bucky pressed the button and held it to his ear. The phone rang once, twice, three times, and then just as Bucky was about to hang up she answered.

"Hello?" The familiar voice asked on the other end.

"Nonna! Hi! It's me, um, Buck- I mean, James," he said, forcing a smile onto his face. Raynor told him that it would make him sound nicer over the phone.

"James!" The old woman exclaimed. "Oh, hello! How are you? Are you back in New York?"

"Yes, I just wanted to call and ah- say hello," Bucky answered. He berated himself mentally for not better preparing for the chance that she would answer his call.

"Oh, it's good to hear your voice. I was worried when you left town so quickly," Nonna said, almost reproachfully. Bucky smiled. He hadn't been scolded for not telling someone his plans in years.

"I'm sorry about that Nonna, I really am. Something came up with work and I had to deal with it," he replied.

"Well, are you free tonight? Why don't you come over and tell me about it?" Nonna asked kindly. Bucky breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'd love that, Nonna, thank you," he said, actually smiling now.

"Oh, merda!" Nonna said frustratedly. "I'm sorry, I forgot that I need to check with Mara. Hang on, let me text her."

Bucky waited for Nonna to tell him the verdict, surprised by the tightness in his chest. After a minute of painful silence, Nonna came back on the line.

"She said you can come over so long as you don't arrive before seven," Nonna explained. Bucky glanced at his watch. It was four thirty now, he could survive two and a half hours alone.

"That's perfect, Nonna, thank you!" he replied gratefully. "Should I bring anything over?"

"Oh, bless your heart!" Nonna exclaimed. "No, don't worry about anything, James. Should I make dinner for you too, or are you one of those early eaters?"

"I- I wouldn't want to impose-"

"Nonsense!" Nonna cut him off. "I always make too much. I grew up with so many siblings I didn't learn how to cook for less than seven people. Save Mara and I from too many leftovers!"

"Well, when you put it like that, how can I say no?" he asked. Nonna laughed on the other end of the line.

"Come hungry and ready to talk," Nonna commanded. "I want to hear all about your work!"

Bucky smiled and promised to do so before hanging up and immediately cursing himself out soundly. His job, why did he have to say it was a work thing? Why couldn't he have lied and said a friend needed help? Or he had a high school reunion? Something easy that wouldn't involve so many half-truths. But no, now he had to figure out how to survive an interrogation from the most skilled questioner in the world: an Italian grandmother.

As Bucky slowly climbed the stairs up to the apartment he ran through his story one more time. It was simple, efficient, and roughly forty percent true. If he was a praying man Bucky would have prayed that Mara didn't join in on the questioning. But he wasn't and so he stopped at their door, squared his shoulders, and knocked.

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now