Chapter Sixty Six: Dam My Bleeding Heart

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Bucky had not expected Mara to show up to their appointment. He had expected a last minute apology text, something about a coworker needing a shift covered or being too exhausted to deal with another social interaction. But, to her credit and Bucky's unvoiced amazement, Mara arrived ten minutes early, bundled up against the cold and smiling as if her life depended on it.

"Hey, you!" she said cheerily, kissing him on the cheek. Bucky managed to turn it into a kiss on the mouth for a whole five seconds before she laughed and pulled back. "I have coffee breath," she protested, sliding her hand down his arm until their fingers intertwined.

"Still delicious," he teased, causing her to roll her eyes and allow him to lead her into the waiting room. The secretary greeted them both and handed Mara a patient intake form.

"Oh, I'm not a patient," Mara said quickly, but the secretary still pressed the clipboard into her hand.

"Dr. Grover likes to know the background of everyone she speaks to, patient or family," he said firmly.

Mara did not seem pleased by that either, but she took the board and sat down beside Bucky on the couch.

"I'm glad you're here," Bucky said as she filled it in.

"Anything for you," she replied, looking up at him and smiling. Bucky placed his hand on her knee and rubbed it gently as she continued to fill out the form.

He couldn't help but notice that she checked "no" to the question "have you ever had thoughts of harming yourself?"

"I thought you told me-" he began, but she looked up sharply and he let the sentence end unfinished. "Never mind."

She went back to her form. He pulled out his phone.

"Mara's here," he typed out, sending the message to Nonna.


"She's acting funny."

Nonna thumbed-down that message.

"At least she's here?" he offered.

"True. Good luck!" Nonna replied, along with several emojis of smiling faces and hearts. He chuckled and put his phone away.

"Your grandmother makes me feel old," he explained when Mara glanced over at him with an arched brow.

"She is twenty plus years younger than you," Mara teased back, knocking her shoulder into his. Bucky rolled his eyes but was too grateful for the sight of Mara smiling to complain about ageism. She had been avoiding him all week. Not just physically. Emotionally too. Whenever he did managed to get a few minutes with her it was like he was talking to Dr. Anderson. Everything felt cold and forced, even her kisses.

Especially her kisses.

"Hello, Bucky!" Dr. Grover said as she stepped into the waiting room. Bucky rose and he felt Mara stiffen and then stand beside him. "It's good to see you again. And you must be Dr. Anderson," she continued, turning to Mara and offering her hand. Mara took it and smiled kindly.

"It's wonderful to meet you," she said with a smile. "And please, call me Mara." Dr. Grover beamed and patted their clasped hands.

"The pleasure is all mine," she assured her. "Bucky speaks very highly of you. I'm very glad that you were able to join us this week."

"Anything for Bucky," she replied. Dr. Grover nodded and gestured for them to follow her to the office. Bucky and Mara sat side by side on the couch, their knees touching.

"So, Mara," Dr. Grover began as she sat down in her arm chair, "I don't know how much Bucky has told you about how we do things here, but let me start by saying this is a safe space where you can express yourself however you need to in order to promote healing. My job is not to judge you, or to belittle you, or to punish you. I do take notes, but that is just to help me remember details like names and relationships. You are always allowed to look at the notes I am taking. Now," she smiled kindly, "do you have any questions?"

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now