Chapter Twenty Four: As First Impressions Go, Your's Suck

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It had been days since Bucky promised to call, and Mara felt like time was an hourglass filled with molasses. He told her he'd reach out as soon as he found something. But that had been on Monday and it was now Thursday and Mara was dangerously close to never being allowed around children again. She liked them most of the time, and of course she had her favorites, but even those select few were getting on her nerves. Apparently privacy and personal property were concepts too advanced for the average grade schooler.

Nonna could tell that Mara was close to letting a long string of curses loose when she caught the children using her lipstick as warpaint, so she sent Mara out to get more diapers. The corner store always had a couple of packs, and if she made sure to greet everyone on her way there and back Mara could stretch the errand out to at least thirty minutes.

Unfortunately for Mara, it was pouring outside, which meant there was no one around to stop and say hello to. Mara muttered something to herself about the one time I want to be friendly, but continued on. Even the corner store was empty except for the man behind the counter. She bought two large packs of diapers, and a small bottle of vodka.

The rain was coming down even harder now, and Mara could barely see. She stumbled down the street, balancing the diapers. A puddle masked a large crack in the sidewalk, which she tripped over in glorious fashion. The diapers flew out of her grasp and Mara cursed spectacularly, criticizing everyone from the mayor to Thor. As she collected herself, a sleek black town-car pulled up alongside her.

"Lovely weather today, no?" A man with a thick Eastern European accent asked. Mara squinted, but the window was tinted and only slightly open.

"It's perfect," Mara replied. She picked up the diapers and started to walk away.

"Dr. Anderson, if I could ask for a moment of your time," the man continued. Mara started walking a little faster. There was a laundromat two doors down, if she could just-

The sound of a gun clicking made her freeze.

"Now Doctor, we wouldn't want things to get ugly," the man drawled. Mara turned around slowly. The barrel of a gun was sticking through the driver's cracked window.

"No, no we wouldn't," Mara said.

"Why don't you join me in the car? It's nice and dry," the man added. The passenger door opened. "And don't bother running. You Americans are always so confident when it comes to your guns, but mine never miss."

Mara exhaled and got into the car. The door slammed shut behind her and the car peeled away so quickly that Mara was knocked down by the force. When she finally got her bearing she glared at the man sitting across from her. He was dressed in a fancy suit with a fur trimmed green coat. He was leaning back so that his face was obscured by shadows, and his hands were gloved.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want?" She demanded, sitting up. She was soaking wet, dressed in sweatpants and an old windbreaker, and filled with rage. Probably not the best combination, but it's what she had and she would make it work.

"Such manners," he said mockingly.

"Yeah, well most people don't appreciate being forced into a car at gunpoint," Mara retorted. "Now I'll ask again: who in the five fuckin' boroughs are you, and what do you want?"

"I just wanted to introduce myself to you before others gave you a bad impression of me," he said, shrugging. "My name is Doctor Movoniv, and you and I have a shared interest."

"And what's that? Long walks on the beach?" Mara snapped. Yep, she was sticking with anger.

"Learning about the circumstances that lead to your fiancé's death," Movoniv replied. "Tell me, why do you think that Hydra sent their deadliest killing machine to an Army base in Israel?"

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