Chapter Eighty-Six: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

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Bucky had never really been one for meeting the parents. Sure, when the time came, he could dial the charm up to eleven and convince even the most overprotective of fathers and mothers to let him take their daughter out. But it was rare for any of his relationships to reach that point. Most of the girls he dated knew he was there for a good time not a long time, and with that came the understanding that family dinners and firm handshakes were a waste of valuable time. So he normally got to skip all the awkwardness and go straight to the dancehalls and secluded corners.

But it turned out he was here for a long time. One hundred and six years long, to be exact. And by the looks of it he still had a ways to go. Rather than be intimidated by it, he welcomed it. He could get another hundred years on this earth and it still wouldn't be enough time with Mara Anderson. She was worth every commitment, every awkward conversation, every bit of effort it took to keep her safe and happy.

So when she off-handily mentioned she wanted to go see her parents soon, Bucky had offered to ride with her to the church. And when she had told him he was more than welcome to just hang out while she said hello, he insisted on walking with her through the gravestones.

"I promised Nonna I'd say hi to her family too," Mara said awkwardly as she tried to hold on to the four bouquets of flowers at once. Bucky gently took two of them for her and she smiled up at him tightly. She had been silent for nearly all of the taxi ride, a practically widowed orphan dressed in black despite the heat. Bucky had also dressed up for the occasion, complete with a tie and fresh handkerchief. He wanted to make a good impression, even if he wouldn't find out whether or not he did until he died and reached the afterlife.

"I can't wait to meet them all," he assured her. Mara's smile quirked and she looked forward, not responding to him. She led the way to three gravestones side by side. She stopped at the first one and knelt down to retrieve the dead flowers and replace them with a fresh bouquet.

"Hi, Mr. Romano," she said softly, remaining close to the ground as she spoke. "Nonna- I mean, Franca couldn't make it today, but she told me to tell you she loves you and the Yankees are doing-" Mara paused and glanced back at Bucky. "How are the Yankees doing, Buck?" she whispered as if Mr. Romano would be disappointed she couldn't remember the details.

Bucky smiled and took a step forward.

"Hi, Mr. Romano. Your Yankees are actually doing really well. Which I can say without gagging since my Dodgers decided loyalty meant nothing and went to the West Coast," Bucky answered, kneeling down beside Mara. She chuckled and turned back to the gravestone.

"Franca says to behave yourself up there, and she misses you more every day," Mara continued softly. "She'll be here next time, she promises."

Bucky stood and helped Mara to her feet. She took his hand and walked with him to the next gravestone only a few feet away. This one was a newer version of the previous one, two names carved side by side with a cross between them. Mara replaced the flowers again and greeted the occupants.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Romano. It's just Mara. Nonna says hello and told me to tell you the Yankees are doing well, and she found your wedding album while she was tidying up," Mara said softly, dusting off the gravestone and adjusting the flowers in their vase. "You looked beautiful, Mrs. Romano. I loved your wedding dress. And Mr. Romano, Nonna says she still hasn't forgiven you for the God-awful mullet you had," she said with a weak chuckle.

Bucky remained standing a few feet behind her and kept his head on a swivel out of habit. The graveyard was empty that afternoon, most people had probably come in the morning when the heat hadn't had time to bake everything or were waiting until the afternoon when the sun wasn't directly overhead. The gravestones shone in the light, and he spotted splashes of color from flowers or stuffed animals or other mementos.

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