Chapter Twenty Eight: Umbulali

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After a few minutes of Bucky dancing around details that he did not want Mara and Nonna to hear, Shuri finally sent them with Ayo to get some food. Mara clearly did not want to leave the lab, but she was so hungry that Bucky could see her shaking and insisted that she go, promising that Shuri would save checking his arm calibration for when she returned.

Once Mara and Nonna had left Shuri, turned to face the two men, arms crossed.

"Why do you want to talk to Zemo again?" She asked Bucky. "To break him out of prison or just because you are a masochist?"

"Masochist," Sam answered for him, earning himself a thousand yard glare.

"Someone is digging into my past," Bucky replied after Sam stopped chuckling. "They've dragged Mara and Nonna into this, and if anyone can tell me why it's Zemo."

"Why are they involved?" Shuri questioned.

"I-" Bucky sighed and looked down. "The Winter Soldier killed Mara's fiance, Nonna's grandson. He was working on something called Project: Resurrection, but I have no memory of why I was sent to kill him." He looked up, half expecting to see Shuri glaring at him, but her face was calm, kind.

"You may question him," she granted after a moment of thought. "Ayo will accompany you to the Raft. He's in maximum security, so don't even try to break him out."

"You know I respect you far too much to try that," Bucky reassured her. She raised her eyebrows. "The Germans, not so much," he admitted, "But Wakanda has become my second home. I will not let any harm come to her." Shuri nodded, satisfied.

"So, Mara seems nice," she began. Sam laughed as Bucky blushed and shook his head.

"It's not like that, she's a friend," he protested, but Shuri and Sam exchanged a look that suddenly made him very self conscious.

"She is very independent," Sam admitted, a gleam in his eye that warned Bucky he wasn't finished speaking. "She can keep up with him better than any other woman I know."

"She is a good friend," Bucky repeated, glaring at them. Shuri smiled and shrugged.

"I don't know many good friends that I'd travel halfway around the world for," she said simply. Bucky shot her a look and she laughed before mercifully changing the subject. "Leave your arm here, I will make any updates while you are visiting Zemo."

Bucky sighed and nodded, removing his arm and placing it on the sand table. It felt strange not having the weight to balance him, but he didn't want Shuri to worry that he would use his arm to break Zemo out. He had a lot of ground to make up for that mess, although he regretted none of it. It had been necessary. And he had returned Zemo in one piece.

Mara and Nonna returned after a little while, fed and cleaned up. Bucky couldn't help but smile at their expressions when they re-entered the lab, still looking around as if they were in a dream. He remembered his own awe years ago.

"Ayo, escort Bucky and Sam to the Raft," Shuri instructed. "Make sure the umbulali does not attempt to take advantage of their presence," she added pointedly. "Dr. Anderson," she turned to Mara who started at being addressed, "would you mind consulting on this update? The dexterity settings need improving, and your background in fine motor control therapy would be a wonderful aid."

Mara stared at her, gobsmacked. After a moment she shook off her surprise and said eagerly, "It would be my pleasure!"

When Bucky, Sam, and Ayo left, Mara was studying a hologram of Bucky's arm as if it was a map to El Dorado. She barely replied when Bucky said goodbye, too busy admiring the mechanics of the thumb and pointer finger.

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now