Chapter Forty Three: My God

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TW: Religious imagery (Christian), religious trauma (Christian)

With every passing day Mara felt the anger and denial stages fade away into bargaining. When it came to everyone else she had lost, Mara had gotten tangible proof that they were dead. The Army had sent her Alex's death certificate, and she had identified her parents' bodies at the overcrowded morgue. But there was no proof for Bucky's survival or his death. And so Mara and the others resorted to bargaining.

Sam had called in every favor he had accrued in his decorated career, spurring into action men and women from all branches of national security. Zemo had dug up his far less honorable associates, offering money and power to whoever got him information that led to Bucky's recovery. Even Mara had managed to work her contacts, getting medical supplies from aid workers that she had gone to med school with in the event of Bucky's return, and calling the Wakandan embassy in New York City to inform them of his kidnapping.

The ambassadorial staffer had promised to pass the information along, but warned that diplomatic issues would delay any response. When Mara pressed for information, worrying about Bucky and Shuri equally, the young man simply said that other countries craved Wakanda's stability, but peace would soon be restored.

It was two weeks before Shuri made contact with Mara, apologizing for the delay and demanding information on their search for Bucky. The more Mara told her the quieter Shuri became, until there was silence on the other end of the line for nearly a full minute.

"Shuri?" Mara asked, softly.

"Mara, I wish there was something that I could do-" the young woman began, but she stopped and was forced to collect her emotions before continuing. "Even if we find him, I cannot send soldiers to help you rescue him."

"Shuri, what's going on?" Mara asked worriedly.

"There are some... border disagreements," Shuri replied, choosing her words carefully. "We will be fine, but it is taking everything that we have to keep it together," she admitted. "I cannot spare any soldiers. Not even a single Dora."

Mara exhaled deeply and tilted her head back, keeping the tears at bay. "Is there anything you can do without having to leave Wakanda?"

"There is something, but Mara, calling it a long shot would be an understatement," Shuri warned.

"Saying I'm desperate would be an understatement," Mara replied.

"Very well," Shuri sighed and Mara heard her starting to type. "Vibranium is unique in that it has an unstable nuclear structure that allows for a variety of uses. We have worked diligently to keep Vibranium under our control in order to prevent others from abusing it. One method that we have used in the past is satellites that can detect the traces of radiation it emits."

"Radiation?" Mara asked, the kimoyo bead feeling hot against her skin.

"Harmless to humans unless you were exposed to all of the vibranium in the world for two hundred years," Shuri guaranteed. "It is barely detectable, but unlike any other form in the world. I can tune the satellites to focus on Europe and see if they can detect Bucky's arm. But-" she sighed. "You said this Movoniv had his laboratory underground?"

"Yes," Mara confirmed.

"The satellites cannot detect anything more than fifty feet below the earth's surface," Shuri admitted. "We've never had a reason to search deeper than that. It is not a design issue that can be quickly resolved."

"But you can try?"

"I can try."

The initial search turned up nothing, but Shuri promised to keep the satellites focused on Europe and to have them run hourly checks for any new signs of vibranium. They bade goodbye to each other with hollow assurances that they would stay safe.

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now