Chapter Twenty: The New Normal

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Over the next few months Bucky became a regular at Mara and Nonna's. He was there for Sunday dinner during which Nonna tried to explain the sermon that she had heard that morning, although she could never remember any of the verses and Bucky and Mara spent half the time trying to figure out what book the priest had been reading from. Tuesday was grocery day, and he always met Nonna at the bus stop to help her carry everything up the stairs. Mara worked double shifts on Wednesday and Thursday, so Bucky started to come by on Friday mornings to help Nonna entertain the kids at the park so Mara could sleep in. He spent the whole day playing with them, letting them hang off of his arm and chasing them around, which meant that by the time he and Nonna came home they were both too tired to do anything but collapse onto the couch and order takeout. Mara and Nonna sat on the couch while Bucky took the armchair, and by the second episode Mara was sound asleep on Nonna's lap.

Mara didn't mind having him around the apartment, not anymore. His secret was out, and while it had been quite the secret, Mara no longer distrusted him. Which was not to say that she trusted him. At least not fully. But he brought Nonna flowers on Sunday and always let Mara have the last slice of pizza. So she trusted him enough.

There were a few times when he called her late at night and asked if he could swing by and after complaining about how crime may not sleep but doctors do, she told him to come over. By the time he got there the red toolbox was already open, with everything prepped and sanitized. She treated him for a variety of work-related injuries, including but not limited to: fishing bullets out of him, giving him dozens of stitches, checking him for concussions, and treating shin splints.

"Do you know how to fight without getting yourself hurt?" Mara asked dryly after his fifth visit in as many weeks. Bucky shrugged.

"I did, but I got out of practice. It used to be that they'd just freeze me and my body would heal itself while I waited for new orders," he admitted. Mara tisked as she tied off the thread used for his stitches.

"Well, sadly I can't fit a cryogenic chamber into my first aid kit, so you're going to have to get back into the habit," she replied. "I don't care if you have super healing or whatever, one of these days you are going to get hurt badly enough that you'll need a hospital. Or a morgue." She grabbed her flashlight and checked his pupil dilation.

"I'll be careful," Bucky promised. She laughed.

"Bucky, you are many things, but careful is not one of them."

"What? Careful is my middle name!" he protested.

"Your middle name is Buchanan," she retorted, flicking him on the forehead. She started to clean up. "Just, do me a favor and don't die. I hate being in mourning."

"You'd mourn for me?" he asked, almost surprised. Mara rolled her eyes.

"No, but I'd be expected to." She slammed the toolbox shut and he laughed.

"You're saying you wouldn't miss our little emergency medicine sessions?" he teased.

"You think you're the only superhero I patch up in my spare time?" she retorted. Bucky shook his head.

"I'm no superhero," he replied.

"Your origin story says differently," she stated. "Grab yourself something from the fridge, you need carbs for energy."

He followed the doctor's orders and grabbed an apple. Mara finished putting everything away and joined him at the table.

"I'm sorry if I touched a nerve with that superhero comment," Mara said quietly. Bucky shrugged.

"It's nothing, I'm just not used to people thinking about me like that," he explained.

"Well, you keep saving people and you'll have to get used to it," she replied. "What was it tonight?"

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now