Chapter Forty: 32557038

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TW: suicidal thoughts, gore, medical trauma.

We are starting a very dark section of this work. Reader digression is advised, and if need be I am happy to provide a summary of the chapter in the comments for those uncomfortable with the content.

Go to for an ambient soundtrack for this chapter.

When Bucky awoke he knew three things. One: he was too restrained to turn his head, let alone escape. Two: he had a ringing headache worse than any hangover he'd gotten while with the Commandos. And three: he was not alone in the room.

"Ah, welcome back, Zimski Vojnik," an unfamiliar voice said. Bucky opened his eyes, wincing at the bright lights that practically blinded him. As his vision adjusted to the he saw a well dressed man in a lab coat standing a few feet away. Bucky remained silent and he looked his captor over.

The scientist was relatively young, maybe mid forties, with dark hair and a glimmering smile. He was tall and well built, especially for a lab rat. He would have been handsome if it wasn't for the large scar dragging down the left side of his face. The gash ran through his hair down past his jaw, healed and yet gaping. The skin around it was warped, like crushed metal, and pale compared to the rest of him. The man watched as Bucky appraised him, and a proud smile turned up the right corner of his lips. The left was held down by the scar.

"We have not yet had the pleasure of meeting. My name is Doctor Movoniv. I'm sure your dear little Dr. Anderson told you everything she knew about me," he cocked his head when Bucky strained slightly at the mention of Mara. "But of course, she knows very little," he continued.

Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. 32557038.

"I can tell that you are still processing," the European continued. "And I will not waste time with monologuing. But you are going to be a part of something incredible, and I would like Sergeant Barnes to understand that before we dispose of him." He sighed at Bucky's involuntary eyebrow quirk. "That got your attention." He smiled sadly and placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder where metal met flesh. "Yes, Sergeant Barnes is of no use to us. Hydra did their best to kill him but Germans tend to overestimate their abilities to finish what they start. Latverians do not make such tactical errors." He gestured to the machine that Bucky was strapped into. "I am sure that you recognize elements of this, but my scientists made many improvements. For example," he pressed a button and Bucky seized violently. Blindingly cold pain filled his mind and all that he could hear was someone screaming.

Eventually Bucky realized that the screaming was his.

The pain began to slowly lessen and Bucky slumped in the chair, chest heaving. After a minute the white blotches dissipated and he saw Movoniv smiling over him.

"It feels different, no?" he asked, placing a finger to Bucky's neck to check his racing pulse. "Simple electrocution is so... passé. These are Omicron waves, specifically engineered to disrupt neurological signals, causing the pain and memory centers of the brain to panic. Other participants have said that it feels like instantaneous frostbite. Do you concur?"

Bucky was unable to reply, his jaw muscles still locked from pain. But the tears burning his eyes seemed to answer Movoniv's question.

"You are going to change the course of history, Sergeant," the doctor said as he picked up a tablet to make note of Bucky's vitals. "So many have tried to replicate the super soldier serum. But they have all run into the same problem. Have you noticed it?" Movoniv paused as if they were actually having a conversation. "I believe you Americans call it 'roid rage.' When faced with high adrenaline, subjects tend to overreact to threats. Lose control. All of them, except for you and Mr. Rogers. And you are going to help us figure out why."

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now