Chapter Forty Eight: Healing Pains

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The next several days passed in a blur of pain and fitful sleep, but every time Bucky opened his eyes someone was there to give him ice chips, pat away his sweat, and whisper encouragement to him. Sometimes it was Sam, most times it was Mara, and then there was an old woman who he did not recognize. But she treated him with such kindness that he fell asleep quickly and without fear.

When he was finally able to stay awake long enough to look around the room it was the old woman who was sitting beside him. She was wrapped in a large quilt and sewing, but as soon as Bucky stirred she set aside her work and leaned closer to him.

"James?" she whispered, eyes wide and bright. Her white hair floated around her wrinkled and tan face, and when she smiled it warmed him from within. "James, dearest, are you alright?"

James. The others had said his name was James as well as Bucky. He wondered why the old woman called him something different.

"Should I get Mara?" she asked worriedly, soft hand pressed to his forehead. "You don't feel warm. Is it the pain?"

He patted the bed twice and she looked down at his hand, brow furrowed just like Mara's did.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, glancing back and forth between his face and his hand. Bucky patted the bed twice and managed a small smile. The old woman breathed a sigh of relief and clasped his hand in hers, pulling it to her chest. "Oh, carissimo, it is so good to see those eyes again," she doted. "Old blue eyes," she added with a laugh. "Are you hungry? I made zuppa! Just broth, but it is good and full of nutrients to make you strong."

Bucky had no idea what zuppa was, but she was a friend of Mara's and therefore someone that he could trust. He squeezed her hand once and she beamed.

"You are too thin, too scarno," she complained, standing and gently placing his hand back beside him. "This zuppa, it is good and rich. Not too rich, Mara made sure of that, but-" she waved her hands before her face and cut herself off. "Bah! I'll go and get it for you, then you will understand, yes?"

Bucky smiled at her excitement and patted the bed once.

"Oh, such a good boy," the woman cooed, kissing his forehead. "A good and kind boy."

She turned and left the room, giving Bucky a moment to collect his thoughts and assess his body. The pain was still there, but lessened slightly. Moving still sounded like hell, but the decrease was still noticeable. His arm and legs were still propped up on pillows around him, but someone had draped a fresh sheet over him. A fire burned nearby, warming the room. A window was on the opposite wall and while the curtains were pulled over it he could hear a bird singing.

"I made sure that it is not too hot," the woman said as she entered the room, as if she had not stopped speaking since leaving him and only now could he hear her again. "It has bone stock and garlic to help the immune system, lemon to keep your sinuses clear, ginger for inflammation..." She continued to rattle off ingredients while she set the bowl on the bedside table. Bucky could smell whatever it was and his mouth watered at the aroma. "We will do a spoonful at a time, yes?" the woman asked, taking just enough in the spoon to give him a taste. "No drowning in zuppa today," she chuckled.

Bucky patted the bed once to show that he understood and lifted his head slightly to meet her hands. The zuppa ran over his tongue and down his throat, filling him with warmth and spice and a sense of comfort. He watched with hungry eyes as the woman refilled the spoon and brought it back to his lips.

"Ah, it's good, yes?" she said as he eagerly drank it. "You eat more, and we make you big and strong again," she promised, continuing to bring spoonfuls of the liquid healing to him. It took ages for them to empty the bowl, and with each gulp Bucky felt energy flow back through him. The old woman continued to talk as he ate, praising his appetite and her own cooking. When the spoon finally scraped against the bottom of the bowl she smiled and patted his cheek.

The Hurt And The Healing: Bucky X OCWhere stories live. Discover now