Chapter 2

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Bartholomé P.O.V

After finishing my breakfast and washing my dishes, I return to my room to brush my teeth once again before making my way to my workplace. Greeting my only coworker, I continue to do the list of all the books we have, which is a lot. Immersed in the task I had to do, it takes me a few minutes to understand that the buzzing in my head is Alex trying to send me a message through the pack's link and not some headaches. I allow the voice to enter my mind, only to hear that we are under a rogue attack and that I need to hide in the basement. My breath halts as a few gruesome scenarios enter my mind, but I force myself to calm down and take a big inhale before exhaling slowly. The doctor said that stress isn't good for the baby and that I need to remain calm. Taking a look around, I see that the guy who works with me seems to be already gone. He must have been on his break and thus gone to another part of the mansion when the attack happened. Now, I'm not some crazy werewolf who will go to the battlefield to do some kind of useless action to try and help the pack. First, I don't know how to fight. Second, I'm weak and can't even kill a fly. Third, I'm pregnant and it could hurt the baby. Therefore, I don't think my presence will be of much help there, so I start my journey to the basement. 

Creeping along the walls for fear of being discovered by the foe, I enhance my hearing with my werewolf genes and transform my nails into claws. You never know what can happen. I safely reach the room for pregnant persons and children, and I am soon taken to a couch, where a few nurses that usually take care of small injuries instead of the doctor make me sit down before giving me a glass of water and telling me to relax. I guess they are worried that I will have a miscarriage. It wouldn't really be a good idea to have one in those times of war. Or at any point of course. Some suggested that I could have an abortion, but I can't bring myself to do it. I always wanted a family and, yes, what I'm living right now isn't exactly what I had in mind when I visualized myself in the future, but it doesn't mean that I can't enjoy the present. I will be a father and give birth to a little life in a few months. The events that lead to this moment and the other dad of the pup shouldn't keep me from this new wonderful feeling. I can't keep getting influenced by my first mate. I don't know if I deserve a second mate, even though Max thinks so, but I know for sure that my child should have two parental figures in his life. I don't think I can be a good single father. Not that I think I could be a good father period.

I allow myself to sink into the grey couch and sip a little water to humidify my dry throat. As I am enjoying myself, a black-haired omega enters the room with a small ginger child with him. If I remember right, he is Alex's mate. I think his name is Sammy or something like that. Maybe Samuel. I turn my attention somewhere else and soon I start to doze off on the couch, all those sleepless nights coming back for revenge. I may as well catch up on some sleep while waiting for the battle to end. I just hope I won't have any nightmares. That would be awkward.


Waking up naturally is something that I thought I would never be able to experience again. Therefore, when I slowly blink my eyes awake and look around the room to see nearly everyone gone, I thought I was still dreaming, and it would suddenly turn into nightmares to wake me up. However, as I pinch my arm and become more aware of my surroundings instead of waking up, I realize that it is, in fact, reality and not a dream. A gentle looking nurse comes slowly to my side, as if I am some sort of frightened animal, maybe that is what I look like, having just woken up and still trying to understand what is happening, and opens her mouth.

"Hi Bartholomé, I hope you had a good sleep. The battle ended a few hours ago, but you were sleeping, and you really looked like you needed some more time to rest, so we didn't wake you up. There were some deaths and the beta, James, was seriously injured. You don't need to worry though, I'm sure the doctor will heal him in no time. You can go back to your room or to the library if you want" she says with a soft tone. My eyes widen at the news, not quite expecting the dead people and even less that James would be injured. Max is probably freaking out right now. The white haired-boy could be stubborn sometimes, but I know that he really loves James, even if he still doesn't realize it himself yet. I just hope that his ginger mate will make it out alive.

I get up from where I am laying down, not knowing when I had gone from sitting to lying on the couch. I hope I didn't take the place of anyone; it would have been embarrassing. I quickly fix my wrinkled clothes and make sure I didn't drool during my nap before making my way to my room. The infirmary should be closed right now, so I can't go see Max and console him, even if I doubt he would want me to anyways. The omega is strong, unlike me. I know he will get over it somehow. Also, my nap doesn't seem to suffice my body, I can feel the sleep clinging to my eyelids and a numbing feeling in my limbs. Now that I finally found some will to sleep, I won't let it go away.

Reaching my room, I take off my long-sleeved sweat and my sweatpants, only keeping on my underwear, before slipping under the covers. I slowly draw circles on my small bump as I fall into Morpheus' arms.

Hey dear readers, hope you liked it! Things should go faster soon. For those who read the other books, you should know what is coming next~

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(1078 words)

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