Chapter 10

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Here's the second update of the day! Read the first one before this one.

Bartholomé P.O.V

I let out a sound of surprise and amazement as my eyes took in the room I was assigned by Luka. The wall in front of the door was entirely made of glass, letting the sunshine peek in and, making the baby blue paint on the wall pop out even more and the strange, but beautiful symbols on it appear less out of place. A big and comfy looking bed with lavender covers was on the right side of the room, waiting there for me to just jump on it and do a pillow fight with its four ones. 

A short library stood at the end of it, appealing to me with its thick books full of knowledge, and two white fluffy armchairs were in front of it. A blue nightstand as dark as the bottom of the sea stuck to the left side of the bed and a cocoon chair, made of macrame, bound to the ceiling fell right before the window, its soft turquoise pillow and white blanket inciting me to just sit there and nap or read a book. Even more impressive was the fact that even with all these fourniture, there were still a lot of places to add other things like bookcases, bookcases or even bookcases. Did I say I love reading?

“Those are protection runes, they won’t let anyone who you don’t approve of enter, even me. If anything were to happen and you feel like you can’t trust me, you can escape here. I hope it will not, but you never know.” Luka says as he comes behind me and puts his hands on my protuberant belly, his thumbs drawing small circles on it and his hot breath fanning the back of my right ear, while his tail intertwined itself around one of my legs, making me feel warm and loved.

“Thank you... for everything...” I whisper as I turn my head, coming nose to nose with my gorgeous mate. I shyly look into his green cat eyes, before slowly bringing my face closer to his. As he does the same and his eyes start to close shut, I flutter mine closed too and finally close the gap still keeping our lips separated, making them meet for a slow sensual kiss. It’s not the same kind of burning passion we had earlier, more of a loving kiss showing all the affection we have for each other which is why I’m not even surprised as my eyes start to sting behind my eyelids. 

We both break the contact at the same time, as if we were on the same wavelength. As Luka opens his eyes and sees mine, worry starts to cloud his gaze, but I give him a reassuring smile before slowly untangling myself from him, taking his hand and bringing him to my new bed. We sat side by side in silence for a few minutes, the time I needed to take my courage in both hands and tell him more about my past. Looking up at Luka from where I was looking at our connected hand fitting so smugly one in another, I see him looking at me with patience, not a once of annoyance tainting his stunning orbs. Releasing a shaky breath and deeply inhaling, I finally concede on telling him the whole truth that not even Max was aware of. He showed me his weaknesses, I can show him mine.

“I’m sure you must have heard from Maxime or Alexander about how I was from a shitty pack that mistreated Omegas, that my mate was from there too and he raped and rejected me when he learnt about our connected fate. They must have said I ran away after that until I reached their pack, right?” he nods, and I continue “Well, that’s not completely the truth. Do you know that there is a disgrace worse than being rejected by the one supposed to love you for werewolves? It is being thrown out of your pack. If it happens, you are considered a freak, a monster, a rogue. It is the worst humiliation for a wolf. When I told Max what happened, I said I ran away when in fact they threw me out like a ragged doll, an unwanted toy. An outcast. I-it was already h-hard having lived such p-pain, I didn’t want t-them to pity me m-more or even be d-disgusted by me. You a-are the only o-one I told a-a-and I won’t ever tell anybody else, I wanted y-you to know...” I tried to say it in one breath and not let my tears fall before the end, but I failed miserably, like I failed my whole life. Toward the end I’m a sobbing mess, Luka whispering sweet nothings in my ears while rubbing my back and his comforting scent soothing my nerves.

When I finally calm down into small hiccups and that air succeeds in entering my lungs again, my dragon cups my jaw in his hands before raising my face toward him to be able to look into my now red and puffy eyes. He gently rubs my tear-stained cheeks after tenderly kissing my wet eyelashes and gives a peck on my nose, making me scrunch it up while he lets out a gentle laugh, in his deep baritone voice, at my reaction.

“I’m glad you told me, Little Bean. I don't want to talk in your friends’ place, but I don’t think they will consider you as lesser if you tell them. Well, I sure as hell don’t. It just makes me want to burn your whole pack down. I swear I will take good care of Micro Bean and you; I will not let any harm come your way.” Luka says, making me laugh at the nickname he gave my, no, our baby. Relief soon floods my entire body, making me slag against him as all tension leaves me. He doesn’t mind, I made a good choice in telling me. I won’t have guilt nibbling at my conscience in the back of my mind like it had done since we came here. Mates are not meant to keep secrets from each other, which is why I take in a big breath and tell Luka what I had meant to tell him since he told me about the tutor, he wanted to appoint me.

“Honey, there is one last thing I want to tell you...” I whisper, blushing at the nickname I gave him because of the color of his skin, but feeling proud as a big goofy smile forms on Luka’s lips at the sounds of it “You know Gloria, the one you wanted to make as my tutor? Well, I don’t see why it is necessary to have someone teaching me. I have always, for the longest time, learned everything by myself. I like reading, I like to collect knowledge by myself like that. I do not wish to be taught things. Honestly... I feel unwelcome in your castle, I don’t want to meet someone who will hate me” When I finish speaking my mind, I look into my mate's eyes and only see sadness, making my heart painfully squeeze.

“I’m so sad you feel this way Bart, not because of you, but for you. I wanted you to feel like home here, not rejected. I know where it is coming from, but it still hurts to know that I can’t give you something as simple as a safe place. I think you are right; Gloria wouldn’t help. If you feel like you can manage alone then so be it. Of course, you can always ask me if there is something not clear or if you want more explanations.” He says with a disappointed smile. I know he wants to offer me a home, but this one won’t do for now. Maybe with time the staff will start to like me more, but for now their king is tainting their view toward me, like my ancient Alpha did with the pack members.

“So… you are not mad…?” I ask, uncertain if Luka felt insulted by my comment but is just not showing it.

“No no, of course not! You are right and I’m so proud of you for speaking your thoughts on the matter. It concerns your future after all. I know it must have been difficult for you to take the courage to ask, I’m glad you felt comfortable enough with me to let your mouth speak the truth on this matter.” My boyfriend says while holding my hands and looking at me with pure affection. I let out a sigh of relief, before taking my hands out of his only to bring him into a bear hug.

“Thank you, Honey...” I mutter, my mouth practically blocked from being pressed against his collarbone. I’m so happy I told him. I trusted him and I was right to do so. After a few minutes of just holding each other in a tight embrace, a rumbling noise wakes us up from our silent moment of just appreciating the company and reassuring presence of the other. Realising that it is my stomach, I blush and thank once again my mother for my chocolate skin. Talking of this sweet treat, I’m so hungry I could even eat zucchini and the Moon Goddess knows how much I hate those things.

“Well, I think our Micro Bean is trying to send us a message. Let’s get you both something to eat, Little Bean” my mate says before taking my hand in his and guiding me back to the corridor and to what I guess, and hope, is the kitchen or at least the dining hall.

Well, everything went way better than what I expected.

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