Inksgiving's chapter

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Hey, this is a special chapter! It has no direct link with the story’s development, which means that it does not mean that this will happen in the future and as such there may be some plot holes in this chapter, please do not look too much into it! Now, enjoy~

Third P.O.V

Today is Zane’s fifth birthday and to celebrate such an important event, the happy family of three decided to spend the day into an amusement park. Bartholomé made sure that they had enough sandwiches, both eggs and meat, vegetables, water and dessert for his son’s father and their little bun’s huge appetite. After living with those two gluttonous spirits, the omega learnt to never underestimate their bottomless pit they call stomach.

As Zane meticulously chooses which one of his toys he will bring with a serious face as if it is a life matter, Luka, on the other hand, prepares a bag containing sunscreen, towels and the likes and puts all the needed things for an outing into the black stroller. Even though Zane can already walk properly, both parents know that the lazy bun will be tired in no time and they surely won’t be able to hold him all the time along with the bags and such, which brings in the stroller solution.

"Is everyone ready?" Bart asks while zipping the cooler protecting their meal, making sure that no cold air escapes. Luka shouts yes as he rises up from where he was crouching down, his back muscles rippling with power, and Zane also lets out an excited sound of approval, his eyes sparkling with excitement. The worm, now grown into a small squirrel that loves to stuff its cheeks, runs hurriedly out of his room and toward his parents with a worn-out dragon plush in his hands, the sound of his feet stomping resonating into the two-story house.

When Micro bean finally reaches his dad, he quickly burrows his nose into his warm belly while wrapping his two chubby arms around his waist, breathing in the maternal scent that never failed to sooth down his fears when he has nightmares at night or when one of the mean children in the kindergarten bullied him for not being able to hide his dragon’s attributes. Of course, such brats do not exist any longer, his strong father having paid a little visit to their parents with a black face and stream coming out of his ears when he learnt of those matters.

His dad lovingly pats his head, rubbing his lovely horns along and placing a quick peck on his button nose, making the child giggle, his laugh resounding like jingling bells as the family of three surround each other and let their warmth warm their heart.

The alpha takes the heavy bags, letting the smaller ones and the stroller for the omega to bring, before coming toward the fledgling with a fierce grin that talks of endless tickling times and raspberries on his tummy, making the child hurry out of the house while screaming for his dad to help him escape the tickling monster. 

Sadly for the bun, his dad only chuckles softly after his departure, giving a loving kiss on his husband’s lips before the latter breaks into a full sprint after their son with a seemingly vicious roar. When the house is finally empty of both dragons, the omega takes everything left outside and closes the door, not before taking one last look at the home they had been renting for one year now, filled with pictures of them and warm memories, the laughing echoing into his ears even when no one is there.

The trip, which was supposed to be quite long, is instead made shorter by all the jokes and games said and played by the three people sitting in the car. Bart and Zane come up with animals’ names starting with the same letter as the ones on the car’s license plate before them, while Luka hums softly along with the songs coming out of the stereo in the background. Both mischievous males sometimes feigning not to know one only to force the alpha to play the childish game, which would then result in Luka inventing hilarious names to make his loved ones laugh out loud.

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