Chapter 15

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Bartholomé P.O.V

I sign the letter, before closing it and giving it to one of the king’s servants. He will deliver it to his master right away, who will then send it to a dragon messenger, after seeing its content, who will then take it to the nearest human town so they can send it to Maxime. Misha, Chloe, and I decided to fool the king and make it seem like I’m just a stupid omega who thinks that his mate just changed his mind and doesn’t want him anymore. 

I feel bad lying to Maxime, but the king can’t suspect even a little that I know what is truly going on. It could mess up our plans. Which is why I was just writing a letter to the white-haired omega telling him that my mate cheated on me and that I would stay in my room until I give birth before rejecting Luka and running back to the pack. The king will read it to make sure it isn’t some sort of plan to mess up his, then deliver it to its rightful owner. That way, the king will stop paying attention to me, even more so that I gave it to his spy so he will never think that I now have a bigger army of followers than him inside his own castle and found out who are his loyal subordinates. When it will all end, I will send an apology’s letter to Max with some local things I found here. I know the dirty-minded omega will love all the types of dildo and sex toys they have here.

There is only two months until my precious gift finally comes to this world. I feel sad that Luka was not able to see their development and probably their birth, or hear their first cry, but I can’t let anything harm my pup. We will have to compensate with our other future children. If we have more, which I hope we do.


The situation wasn’t good, far from it. It has only been one month since Selena came back with my Luka and the kingdom was already falling into ruins. The island was slowly descending and coming nearer and nearer to the ground, which was pretty bad. Chloe told me that it was their ancestor’s magic that kept it floating and it is stocked into an orb in the dungeon. Normally, the energy keeps replenishing itself, but now it is running out of juice, which means someone is draining it for their own use. It is also the same magic that protects the island when another kingdom attacks it. 

The population is also starting to grow weaker and weaker, their food limited, and their water contaminated now that the magic purifying it disappeared. The knights normally walking down the halls with their chest proudly stuck out look more like corpses shrunken into themselves, the hands holding their spears shaking and their shoulders slumped. They were the one supposed to defend us if a foe was to attack us.

All this means that we are now vulnerable.

Anyone wanting to take over our kingdom would be able to do so with ease. It’s like we were serving it on a silver plate. That was surely Selena’s goal. I think the king and the queen were too prideful to let Luka and I rule their kingdom. They prefer to watch it burn or have another kingdom takes over it than let us have it. What kind of parents and rulers are those?
If it continues, a lot of people are going to die. Be it the gentle maids who make sure to check on me twice a day to make sure I’m all right, the cheeky knights whose goals are to make me smile at least thrice a day, the cooks who force me to eat three meals a day by saying that it would hurt their little weak heart if I didn’t eat what they made or just the innocent peasants minding their own business. They are all going to die.

I’m in a dilemma. A big one. On one side there is the possibility that I will lose both my life and my baby and on the other one there is the fact that a lot of people who I have grown to like will die or lose their family. If I were to free Luka from his spell in the following days, he would have time to inject his own power into the magic orb and make it so that everything comes back to normal, while getting rid of Selena, his father, and his mother. However, if I waited another month for the baby to be born, we wouldn’t be able to save the island. It would already have lost all its power and couldn’t be brought back to life.

What’s the meaning of living if people close to me die and if my mate loses his home? What would it bring me? I will just be living like I’m dead. It would not even be living; it would be surviving just for the name of it. I couldn’t have that happening.

"So, I take it you made your choice?" Misha says as she enters my office. I had Chloe magically build me a little office in the secret library so I could read and learn everything I needed to know about this kingdom while being isolated from the outside world. At first, I felt guilty, but when I saw her just shake her hand to create an entire office I wasn’t so embarrassed anymore. It didn’t even make her break a sweat.

However, when I asked her why she couldn’t just do that to break apart Selena and Luka, she told me the magic sealing their body together was far more powerful than the one she can use. Trying to force it would just kill her with the recoil. It needed to be me.

"Yes. In three days, Luka is going to be named king while Selena will be the queen. It is just in the name, of course, the old king will continue to manipulate Luka in the shadows, but all the disasters will be blamed on my mate. At that time, weapons are forbidden, so it makes it the perfect time to kill Selena’s magic. We will do it then." I answer the gorgeous African women, swinging the dagger which will be used in my hand. It had been delivered a few days ago and since then it hasn’t left my hand. I need to get used to its shape. It was made from special metal that only destroyed magic, not material things. By destroying Selena’s heart with it, it will get rid of all her magic without killing her, which will then free Luka from the spell.

I will need to be fast, but cautious, I can’t harm anyone other than her.

It will be hard with my big belly that looked ready to explode, but I had already everything planned. I usually wear a big sweater to cover my stomach, but it went nearly to my knees, which makes it easy to hide a dagger in my belt. Even if Luka isn’t fond of me for now, I am still his mate, so nobody will dare to touch me to make sure I didn’t bring any weapon and they won’t ever guess that a frail stupid omega like me would ever attempt to harm a princess like Selena or anyone for that matter. 

Their mistake, my win.

I also had something planned to be able to get close to the couple without alerting anyone, and if it doesn’t work then I will just have to act like a jealous and devastated ex who just wants to hug his husband for one last time.

We are ready. I am ready.

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(1 315 words)

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