Chapter 9

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Hey, I'm so sorry. I thought I had updated this chapter last week, I don't know why I didn't. Here's last week's chapter and today's one will come out in a few seconds.

Bartholomé P.O.V

Slowly, I tear my body away from his chest, my arms unlooping from around his muscled back, hands sliding along his sides for a longer reassuring contact. Sparks gradually climbs along my arms as my hands gently take his in their embrace, surely doing the same with him as a shudder racks his body at the newfound sensation. I intertwined our fingers, gently caressing his well-defined bones before coming on the balls of my feet, letting my eyes flutter closed and stretching my neck to press a loving kiss to his lips, just letting them rest for a few seconds and then coming back to my normal height. Well, I planned to, but a strong hand took position behind my head and brought me back to its owner’s lips for a longer kiss than the previous one. 

I rest my now free hand on his chest, where I could feel his muscles taunt under the stimulus before gasping softly as Luka tug gently on my hair, telling me silently to open my mouth. His tongue soon enters my mouth, making me curl my toes at the mind-blowing action. I let him explore my wet cavern, toying with my soft muscle and making another lower one perk to attention. My dragon slowly coaxes my tongue into entering his mouth after he is finally satisfied with his marking and gently bit at it when I relent to his wishes, making me whine in protest, while blushing at the moan that also accidently escaped me at the same time. I guess I’m not totally against a little roughness, which kind of surprised me considering my past. 

Our exchange of saliva and feelings last for a few more minutes, making us connect to each other on another level while getting to know our preferences. Luka likes to have control over me and contrary to my best judgement, I like to let him have his way, even when he becomes a little harsher, without actually hurting me of course. A little bruising never hurts anybody. It’s as if each time he takes control over me he also takes my worries away, making me feel weightless and free. The feeling of entirely putting my body in his hands is comforting in a scary way, but I know I can trust him. If he really wanted to hurt me, he wouldn’t have shown himself in such a weakened state. He went against his dad for me, the guy deserves a little more trust than I had given him prior to the previous situation. I can’t always think that every guy out there is going to harm me, it will only lead to pain and loneliness. I need to have a little more faith in the world.

We finally separate our connected lips from each other, a feeble string of saliva creating a bridge between us before ripping apart as I eventually stand on my two feet. I open my eyes and shyly look at him through my eyelashes while blushing, I can’t believe I was so bold. Luka lovingly looks at me, making me duck my head as his intense gaze makes a pool of lava form in my lower belly, only to have his fingers graze my cheeks, cupping my jaw and bringing my head up again, forcing me to look into his sweet eyes.

“Thank you, Little bean. I really needed it” my boyfriend says with a small smile stretching the corner of his now slightly red lips. Knowing I was the source of such coloring, a little proud feeling wormed its way into my heart. I hum softly to let him know that I didn’t mind, I don’t think my voice is strong enough yet to express my thoughts without cracking, which would be extremely embarrassing. Luka takes my right hand in a stronger grip before guiding me in the hall to an unknown destination. I’m glad he didn’t break the physical link we had; I think with the way we just connected a little bit more than before we both don’t want to separate for some time. The mate bond is strong, but I think our newly developing feelings for each other are stronger. There is a limit to how much the Moon Goddess can influence our hearts and I think we reached it since before the meeting with his dad, said event was only the final push we both needed to finally develop true feelings for each other. Now, our actions are from our own will, no external forces are needed.

“What do you think about seeing the room where you will stay until you are comfortable enough to sleep with me? It is across from mine, if you ever want to see me, but I assumed you would want your own bedroom. Don’t hesitate to tell me if you want to move in.” Luka says, making me relax further. Even though I said I trusted him and was starting to develop feelings for him, it didn’t mean I was fully ready to sleep in the same bed as him. The traumatic experience with my past mate is still lingering in my mind; I fear that if we try anything further, then I will start to remember it and hyperventilate. It will then lead to immediately associating panic with intimate contact with Luka, which would badly impact our future relationship. 

Just getting accustomed to his presence and light touches is enough for now. More so considering the fact that I’m already pregnant. The stretch marks are becoming less and less faint, showing even more now that my skin has become a shade darker with a healthy nutrition, it makes me feel self conscious. I’m already not really that pretty, I can’t show my uglier side to my mate. I consider myself a little plain, on the unhealthy side, but with the pregnancy I feel like a bloating balloon with scars on it, not really the best time to show my naked body to my mate. I’m glad he told the palace’s servants to prepare a separate room for me.

Talking of the royal family’s staff, on the way to my new room we walk by several maids and butlers, which is to be totally expected under normal circumstances, but what isn’t is the way they looked at me with a look I know all too well. It’s the same one that my ex-pack’s members and my previous mate would give me when I had the misfortune to cross their path. Eyes full of disdain and hostility, the hate they have toward me practically dripping out of their sockets and evaporating into a thick smoke that comes my way, blocking my view, only to enter by my mouth and penetrate my lungs, making me full suffocated. A shiver of chill racks down my spine as I feel cold sweat slowly sliding down my back the way fingers would have done in a fluttering touch, a light but deadly caress promising a painful death if I ever had the audacity to be in the same room as one of them alone or just breathe in the same air as them. 

I am not welcomed here. Luka’s dad made it clear and now the maids made it even clearer. How does my mate expect me to live here with him for the rest of my life? What of my child, will he be treated like I am? If so, then I can’t stay here.

It’s only as I feel Luka squeeze my hand a little too tight that I realize that he had been talking to me while I had been mentally bracing myself for the hell I will have to live in for today onward. Seeing the worried glance, he shoots my way as he turns his head halfway, I quickly muster the best smile I could give him, albeit a little forced on the edge and squeeze back his hand, telling him to continue what must have been an explanation about the castle’s room and the like.

"Anyways, as I was saying, you will need to take some classes with the royal family’s tutors to learn things like etiquette, how to eat, all the important families in our kingdom and all the boring stuff each family member has to know." Luka says as if he isn’t just sentencing me to death. Everyone hates me here, how could it be different for the teachers? I’m sure they will find a way to make me regret coming here, not that it will be hard as I’m already wondering if I need to book a plane ticket for a plane or a dragon to get me out of here (will it be considered a dragon ticket then?) and the money it will cost. The look of internal horror I felt at the new must have had shown on my face because Luka quickly continue his selling speech before I have the time to just fly the fuck away.

"Don’t worry Little bean, it’s nothing to be afraid of. Gloria may seem a little unfriendly but I’m sure you can tolerate it. You absolutely need to learn more about our kingdom, or the citizens won’t accept you as their King or Queen. What’s the worst that could happen?" Dying by being butchered by a ruler, is what I almost let slip out of my closed lips, but I contain it in myself and bury it deep inside. Luka looks so enthusiastic about making me learn more about his birth place, I can’t let his hope fall. I guess I can give it a try. I slightly nod to show my acceptance and the beaming smile I get in return makes my stomach do those weird flips, as if butterflies were having a race in it.

I mean, he is right. What’s the worst that can happen?

Hey dear readers, how do you think it will go?

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(1 649 words)

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