Chapter 20

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Bartholomé P.O.V

I walk slowly but steadily to the safe room, my body still not quite able to break into a semi run. I had to use the walls to help me go faster, Luka no longer here to support me and the knight not having the right to touch me, nor the will to die. If one is to carelessly touch a dragon’s mate, even more so a possessive one like Luka, then they will be doomed to a painful death.

Which is why it took me nearly ten minutes to reach the hidden place, instead of five if I had been in perfect health. The knight was waiting beside me all the way, but I could see the unease tormenting his being and the sweat sliding down his brow to his Roman nose before falling to the ground in a silent scream for me to hurry up. He is only worried for me, of course. Even though he looks like one of the higher guards, his ability to defend me is still limited if we were to fall against a whole group of foes.

It is not without a sigh of relief that I enter the room, the maid waiting there giving me my son back before running to go help the others while mister knight pulls a chair for me to rest on and pushes it back when I’m firmly seated on it. I cradle my soft Zane, his chubby hands reaching toward my face while his green eyes sparkle with delight to see me, small happy sounds leaving his toothless mouth as little saliva bubbles escape from their cavern. I smile fondly at him, using one of the napkins lying in the table to wipe the fugitives and bump his nose at the same time, making my baby explode into a fit of high-pitched squeals and kicks his socked feet, which makes the soft blanket covering his chest and lower body rise and nearly slip to the floor. 

I hastily catch it before bundling my little twisting worm into a tight taco, while jokingly reprimanding him for his punk’s behaviour and blowing raspberries on his chubby belly. Zane needs to be kept warm; his dragon’s nature makes him more prone to catch a cold if the temperature surrounding him were to drop too low. Therefore, dragons develop, with aging, a capacity to produce inner fire to keep themselves warm, or so Luka said when I asked him about his high temperature and when he told me to make sure Zane is always warm. Our happy bun is still too young to control his own thermometer, thus we need to help him regulate it by keeping him rolled in a blanket or under heating covers.

"Thank you and what’s your name?" I say to the helpful knight when he lights a fire in the fireplace, surely knowing the whelps’ tendencies and needs. The room is small, just like a container, but warm. The walls are made of red maps with the earth’s different continents, making the black of the fur-covered floor pop out even more, while the hanging chandelier immerses the room in an old and mysterious halo. Under it, is a dark wood table with four chairs, one is currently occupied by Zane and I, and across from us stand a black sectional sofa with red pillows, not quite standing against the wall, not to block the map. In front of it stands a huge television built-in into a black cabinet nearly covering the whole wall. Finally, one of the smaller sides works as the door while the other harbours a majestic fireplace, which the knight just lit up.

"My name is Akim, sir. It is my duty to serve you, as per instructed by His Highness, and it is a pleasure to do so. I have heard nothing but good concerning you." The brave knight, now known as Akim answers, a low bow following his words while my cheeks redden at the compliment. When a knight says things like that and bows after, it normally means that they hold the person in great regards and will serve them with all their might. 

I guess the various acts of kindness I did while Luka was possessed help me create a name for myself. It means that my plans were successful. Of course, I love all the castle’s staff and they deserved it, but if it means not only being known as Luka’s mate, but also as Bartholomé, a whole person, then it is a win-win situation.

I offer Akim a seat, but he declines, saying that a knight must be alert at all times and can’t relax their guard, which I highly respect. As I play with Zane, making him try to catch a small dragon toy before lifting it to practise his motricity, I can't help but analyze Akim, trying to memorize his face. I never was one to be great at remembering visages, but I want to be able to know which knight helped me and treat me with respect later on, when everything will be over. He deserves it.

His hairs were a dark blue, matching his sombre expression enhanced by his sharp features and prominent jaw. Azure eyes were nearly hidden by bushy eyelashes, matching the thick eyebrows above them. Overall, he is handsome, with a burly figure, but short of the height. The small gestures he does toward Zane, and I show his gentleness, even if it contradicts his harsh appearance. The antithetic result somehow makes him cute, like a huge teddy bear.

I laugh at the mental image of his constantly angry expression on a plush, before coughing to hide my smile when Akim looks at me with a puzzled look and a tilted head. I don’t think he will appreciate the comparison. 

I look back at Zane when I feel a smooth tail curling around my hand holding the toy. It looks like he is tired of me keeping him from stuffing the dragon plush into his mouth and covering it in saliva. After making sure that the toy is clean, I let my giggling worm drown his plush with his spit, making small growls, like an animal devouring its prey. I chuckle at him, which makes him push my face away with his little sausages-like fingers, as if insulted that I dared to laugh at him.

As Zane continues to munch down on his friend, I gently play with his feet, trying to help him develop better mobility with them, while his chubby tail stays firmly attached to my forearm. Suddenly, my savage tiny dragon stops tearing down its prey and instead looks at me with his plump lower lips quivering, eyes filling with water and fist tightening. I sigh, knowing that my cub wanted me to breastfeed him. It’s not that I didn’t like it, it is just a little embarrassing to do so with another male in the same room as me, Akim more precisely. However, I can't deny my bun’s wishes, so I slip off my oversized sweater off one shoulder and he quickly attaches himself to my now free nipple, his little hungry mouth greedily sucking the colostrum. 

Even though Zane was born one month earlier than planned, I had still entered the third trimester, which means that my mammary glands were already ready to produce milk for my child. Even though omegas don’t have real breasts, our body still possesses all the things necessary to breastfeed. The lactocytes create themselves inside the chest, instead of in the breasts and as the amount of milk a mother produces only depends on how much milk tissues she or he has and not the breast size, males can give to their baby as much milk as a female would be able to. I even gave some to Luka when he asked me if he could taste it. Sadly, I think he developed an addiction to it. Even though the milk production cycle only truly starts when the baby is born, my body immediately started it when it felt Zane’s pheromones coming out of my belly, even though I did not directly give birth to him.

I look up when I hear a weird sound, thinking it is Akim, only to see his straight back turned toward me and he doesn’t appear to have made the sound just now. My ears perk up when I hear it again, not able to point out from which direction exactly it is coming from. Using my werewolf’s power, I thin my eardrums like they would be in my wolf form, making my hearing sharper. Even though I couldn’t transform them into my wolf's ear to have maximum potential, it is still enough to help me locate the sound.

Ignoring Zane’s gulping sounds as long as other recognizable noises, I immediately catch the one that is bothering me. It sounds like someone crawling, more precisely like skin hitting metals. My eyebrows furrow, nearly becoming a capillary, as I try hard to find the source, but it is confusing. The sound seems to be coming from nowhere, as if it isn’t around us. I roll my eyes at the impossible thought, only to catch sight of an air vent on top of Akim.

All blood leaves my face as I realize where exactly the sound is coming from and what it means. As I open my mouth to warn Akim, a loud noise echoes, created from the impact of a boot slamming into the air vent’s opening. The piece of metal flies away and collides against the opposite wall, scratching it at the same time and leaving a mark. Zane, startled, takes off his glutinous mouth from my nipple to stare with annoyance at the source of the sound which dared to disturb his mealtime. Simultaneously, Akim raises his head, and his body takes a combat’s stance, but it is too late.

A man’s body comes down from the passage and falls on top of Akim, his dagger rushing toward the knight’s unprotected neck as I watch, totally horrified and helpless.

Hey dear readers, hope you like the little cliffhanger~

Will Akim survive or be cut into pieces? What will happen to Bart and Zane? Dun dun dun~

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