Chapter 22

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Early Happy New Year to everyone!

Bartholomé P.O.V

Three hours into the battle, I’m already vibrating with the need to go check if Luka is alright. Are wars supposed to take this much time? Or has something gone wrong? The worry is eating at my insides, but I need to stay calm and not risk us being discovered and used as a bargain.

Zane, on the other hand, seems to be holding on pretty well, his sleeping form nestled into my arms with his tail stuck between his thighs and clenched into his hands, small snoring noises escaping him. The brat seems not to care whether his father dies or not, which is normal considering that he is not even a year old. Still, he could sense the serious atmosphere and refrain from farting in his sleep. I can see Akim trying to keep himself from laughing besides me. How humiliating…

Of course, it is still better for him to be carefree and not stressed or crying, especially the latter as I’m not sure to which extent the walls are soundproof. I don’t even know if it is two ways soundproof, because everything has been quiet since we entered, aside from Liam’s intrusion. As such, we don’t know if it's soundless because the castle has not been invaded yet or because we can’t hear anything outside. In case someone needs to use the hidden room, they can lock it or not and if they choose the former option then only, they can open the room from the inside.

A small camera is hidden outside the room, directed to the entry, so if another person wants to enter, they will need to ring the bell and then the person inside will see who it is and unlocks the door to let the other in or not. Sadly, we can’t see anything apart from the place just before the door, so we have no way to know if people are running in the halls, even more so because the room is hidden in a secret pathway which only a few people know the existence of, so no one normally passes-by.

Which once again brings the question of how Liam knew where to go to track us? Even Akim only received the information from Luka only a few hours ago because of the emergency. Could Akim have a tracking device on himself? After asking him the question, the blue-haired captain immediately starts to undress, making me turn my head away with a blush.

"Reporting, I did not find any tracking devices on myself nor tracking spells." Akim answers after having checked his body, making me even more puzzled. It really doesn’t make sense. Hearing Zane groans in his sleep, I gently pat his back and kiss the top of his head, whispering and soothing him back to sleep. I guess we must have been too loud and woke him up a little or just disturbed his sweet dreams.

"Akim, can you tell me who exactly has access to the secret library?" I ask the knight in a low voice, knowing that the staff is informed of the existence of such a library, but has no way to know where it is located. It is, after all, a secret library. For safety reasons, they needed to let the staff know about this hidden place, or it could lead to trouble later on. They are also informed of who has access to it, as to avoid blackmailing without proof.

"The King and the Queen had access to it, but now I’m not too sure of it. His Highness, Chloe, you and I think Gloria too." Akim whispered back, understanding my attempt to keep Zane cocooned in Morpheus’s arms. I mentally cross the names one by one, adding Misha’s one after Chloe, before stopping on my track when Akim mentions Gloria. The woman, who was supposed to teach me how to behave but was chased out by Luka, did seem to hate us and not favour homosexual relationships, or so say Misha, her daughter. The fact that she had to hide her relationship with Chloe from everyone only proves it more.

Gloria is normally the royal family’s tutor, so she has to know everything there is to know about this kingdom and its history and such information is only found in the secret library, which explains why she has access to it. However, once again, I do not think she has what it takes to think of such a plan, nor the gut to control the kings. She has to be smart for her job, sure, but she lacks the temper to be the mastermind behind this scheme. Just her reaction to her dismissal from Luka shows how much she can’t remain level-headed; she would not have been able to wait this long before taking actions.

To resume everything, someone who is knowledgeable and smart enough convinced Gloria into giving them intel only found into the secret library, maybe in exchange for getting her revenge against Luka and I, made a deal with the two kings to set Luka up with Selena and use their magic for the puppet spell to satisfy both ego, then, when their plan failed, they had to use Liam at the last minute to try and capture us because of the king’s impulsive choice. It is a pretty fucked up situation. Now, there is no one for me to think of that could plan such a thing and has a reason to do so. I will need to talk to Luka about it when the war ends.

"Sir, I do not want to overstep my duties, but maybe I could be of some help to you? I’m pretty well aware of everything about this castle’s history. Being a high noble’s son has its perks." Akim says after a few minutes of me shaking my brain up and down to come up with the truth in silence. My eyes immediately land on his face, making him squirm slightly under my hopeful gaze, eyes sparkling with interest. Coughing to hide his embarrassment, which I had, sadly for him, already discovered, Akim starts telling me a little of everything that happened in the dragons’ history, starting with the witch that fell in love with a dragon, to the hunters enslaving dragons for various reasons and finally to the big lizards secluding themselves far away.

(It has been explained in more details in His Beta)

With this new information, a light seems to have lit itself in my brain, making my mouth shape into an ‘O’. What if a hunter enslaved a dragon and used their magic to make themselves immortal? From what I learnt with Chloe, it is actually possible. However, the hunter would need to keep getting magic to be able to keep the spell working. If they were to stop one day, their body would age all of sudden and turn into ashes. Therefore, with the dragons getting away and not being able to get any magic anymore, they must have tried to track them since then, trying to survive with the last bit of magic remaining in their body.

When Max went to find Luka to save James, the hunter must have received his localization with a tracking device, which was used by hunters in the past. Following Luka back to the kingdom, he had lurked outside, waiting for the perfect opportunity, which Luka had given him on a silver plate when he ordered Gloria to take some vacation away from the kingdom. Using promises of revenge, he must have convinced her to give him the kingdom’s plan and weaknesses. His plan then formed, making a deal with the kings and using puppet magic that he must have learnt from one of his slaves long ago, while using his associates’ magic all along because his is used to keep him alive.

He must be currently waiting for the perfect chance to take over all the dragons’ kingdoms, starting with the strongest which is ours. All dragons live on different floating islands, the hunter must have in mind to unite them all to form a giant one that would be like a huge magic buffet for him to eat from.

Now, I have the who, the how and the why.

Hey dear readers, do you think Bart is right?

Do you find his reasoning logical?

This small author’s brain is frying, I now greatly respect suspense's authors.

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(1 370 words)

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