Chapter 19

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Bartholomé P.O.V

I hold on Luka’s biceps, my mate’s hand around my waist while he helps me walk. It has already been a few weeks since Luka was freed from Selena’s control and Zane was born, my recovery is going well, but since I’m an omega it takes me more time to fully get my strength back. For now, Luka helps me when I practise walking, sneaking in a few tofu eating times and kisses, not that I mind. 

What bothers me, though, is the way it leaves me hanging and hot and just wanting him to ram inside of me from behind. Sadly, we agreed to wait until I was fully healed and even then, with everything that happened, I don’t think my mate will ever get his aggressiveness back. They say communication is the key in a relationship, so I may tell Luka to be a bit more forceful, while always respecting me, of course.
I wonder what face he will make…

I come out of my thoughts when I feel Luka gently squeezing my butt, his hand having fun shaping my ass cheek into various positions, while his nose sniffs at my glands, a deep rumble leaving his broad chest. I blush, realizing that I was getting really excited by his antics even though we were currently in the hallway leading to the dining hall. I clear my throat, putting my hand on his rib cage to tell him to keep it down.

It really warms my heart and boosts my confidence to know that someone loves me so much and can’t keep his hands off me, but it is embarrassing, a bit hot I must say, but mostly embarrassing. Not without a whine and a last puff against the back of my neck, making me shiver, Luka finally separates himself from me, making chills rack down my spine at the sudden loss of heat. By instinct, I reattach myself to him, seeking his touch, no, craving it.

"If you continue to act like that then I will no longer be able to keep myself from throwing you over my shoulders to bring you to my lair, chain you to my bed and not letting you out until you are full of my offspring and fully mine, Little bean." Luka grumbles against the top of my head, his nose scenting me and his hands not leaving my naked skin under my oversized sweater. I shiver as his long fingers gently caress the low line of my pants, tracing circular patterns on the lower part of my stomach and right above where my omega womb is. My legs nearly buckle under me as my breath becomes rushed and I start to feel hot. Why is everything my mate says or does so damn sexy!?

"You know, I wouldn’t really mind. I want to give you a ton of babies." I whisper in his ear, truly meaning it. I have never been so sure of something in my life. I love this man so much, I wouldn’t mind being his captive, not being able to leave his room and giving him as many children as he would like. I once again shiver at the thought, this time my legs really giving out under me. 

I may have something wrong with my head.

I mean, my first mate literally raped me and here I am, talking about being held against my will and getting excited by the prospective. I think he broke me. Or maybe it’s because Luka and I are mates. After all, we were made for each other. Our souls were matched to one another for their high compatibility, which makes it kind of logical that I like Luka’s possessiveness and obsessive thoughts which are caused by his genes. 

Maybe that’s why it doesn’t bother me, or maybe it’s because I know Luka will never intentionally hurt me. Even if I give him my everything, show him my most vulnerable side, I know he will only look at me with love-filled eyes and quietly cherish what I gave him.

As the surrounding air becomes hotter and filled with tension, Luka looks at me with a burning gaze, his eyes filled with nothing but a scorching fire ready to consume my soul. His pupils dilate and I feel his skin ablaze against mine, two hard things poking me in my side and making me gulp at the thought of them penetrating me and warming me from the inside with their intense heat.

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