Chapter 29

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Bartholomé P.O.V

I whimper as Luka kisses once again my lower stomach, where my womb is situated and where our little bubble is currently floating. A week after our marriage, I had started to show signs of pregnancy which I immediately recognized as I already went through this once. The pregnancy tests we had bought were made use of and ten of them came back positive, making me cry tears of happiness.

Like in all the sappy romantic shows, I had put them all on the kitchen’s table before Luka arrived and went to the bathroom to let him take in the new. I had normally planned on going back after five minutes, but in only two my mate had me pinned to the wall and kissing the life out of me.

His possessive nature wouldn’t allow him to leave his pregnant mate out of his sight, not that I would complain. Since then, we had started building a second nursery across from Zane’s one. Our Micro bean is already old enough not to cry at night and we don’t want his new sibling to wake him up in the middle of the night. Speaking of Zane, we had tried to explain to him that he is going to be a big brother and somehow, he had understood. 

However, we weren’t prepared for the tantrum he threw at us. From what Luka understood of his babbling, it seems like Zane isn’t too happy to have to share his food, aka me, with another person. He already is angry at Luka for stealing his milk; I can imagine what it will be like when our second kid is born. My mate had to swear at him that he wouldn’t drink anymore so that there will be enough for Zane and our bubble for our Micro bean to calm down. I then went on explaining all the beautiful things it meant to have a younger sibling and soon Zane was chirping away at my belly with a serious tone that made Luka and I laugh. Typical of Zane, a real gluttonous spirit.

When I learnt of my pregnancy, we actually were on our honeymoon, sunbathing in the Caribbean and swimming with the barracudas. Luka wouldn’t let me swim at all after discovering that I was carrying another little life in me. I couldn’t even leave the room. I guess he remembers the last time I was pregnant and how it ended. Me bleeding to death on his laps with Zane’s body destroyed, if he hadn’t used magic, we both would have died. We had decided to come back earlier and maybe go back later, much to Zane’s disappointment. He absolutely adores building sandcastles with Luka, so we bought him a big sandbox to put in the garden so he can still play with it. Our honeymoon had been cut short, but I couldn’t complain with all the attention I was and am still getting from Luka.

Luka had been extremely careful with me and couldn’t keep his hands to himself, much like now. My hands make a fist with his long hair as his fingers graze the inside of my thigh, where his body was resting as he put kiss after kiss on my tummy. I already have a little bump showing and my husband just wouldn’t leave it alone. There has to be at least his hands or his mouth on it or he won't be able to calm down and work properly.

While my king’s duties have started, I still need to be stuck to Luka as he works, sitting on his laps so he can rub circles above our bubble. With his great sense of nicknaming, Luka had chosen the surname bubble for our new baby because of the form of my constantly growing belly. I don’t mind so I let him have his fun, but I am a little curious about how the baby will react when it is a grown-up and learnt of its nickname.

Basically, I am doing my work on a tablet that I put on my lap while Luka has his papers set in front of him on his desk, making it easier for him to embrace me fully. We should have been doing that at the moment, but my husband had decided to take a break called ‘bonding time between Father and bubble’ as he likes to call it. Which is why I am resting with my back on the desk and my legs propped up on Luka’s shoulder as he touches my belly fondly and rubs my thighs with his head between them.

It isn't exactly comfortable, but it will do for now. At least he permits me to keep my shirt and sweatpants on as long as I raise my top above my nipples. The first times, he wanted me to be as naked as a worm until a butler barged in unannounced, making me freak out so bad I kicked Luka in the balls. Since then, he always makes sure to lock the door with a spell that needs his oral authorization to unlock it and let me keep my clothes on.

I moan, liking the feeling of his touch on my skin. It feels like electricity yet also like a warm heated bag being put on my aching muscles. His touch is a soothing balm. Sometimes it makes me horny as fuck, but other times, like right now, it only brings comfort to my insecure self. To know that he loves me so much is a true gift that I do not know how to repay apart from showing him as much love and giving him babies.

It is an honour and a pride of mine to be able to bear the children of such a great man, and I know he feels the same too because he can’t stop whispering how much I make him happy. Having a child of ours, a mix of our essence, is wonderful. Of course, Zane is, and will always be, our baby, but Luka didn’t get the chance to see him grow in my belly, it is a new experience for him. I do not want Zane to feel like he is less loved because at the beginning he wasn’t Luka’s child, it is not the case. I think every time a couple becomes pregnant again it’s the same feeling of pure joy and love that burns in their heart, no matter how many children they already have. Every baby is loved as much as the other. Well, it’s the case for us and I hope it is for every family.

A knock makes us come back to earth and Luka hurriedly, if not with a little sadness, dresses me back and brings me to his laps. I squirm a little to settle down before taking back my tablet which had been put on the desk and turning back to looking over the food supplies of the kingdom. With a cough to hide his embarrassment, my mate allows the spell to unlock the door and Akim enters the door.

"Reporting to his Highness, His Majesty’s friends have safely made it back home and as requested by the mind link, I informed them of his Majesty’s pregnancy. They wish you both a healthy child." The blue-haired bulky man says with a former salute before returning to a normal standing position. Similar to mine, if only a little bigger, Akim’s stomach is showing signs of the baby growing in it and I know he had to order customized clothes to be able to keep dressing in his uniform.

Liam doesn’t want his submissive working while pregnant, much like my mate, but the muscled man insisted on at least being allowed to watch over his men’s training and act as a messenger. From what I understand, it will kill him not to do anything for a little less than a year, he needs to move. His mate and mine reluctantly agreed but I know he must have gotten a punishment from his dominant for his stubbornness. At least he must have enjoyed it with the way he was literally glowing the day after.

Anyways, Luka and I express our thanks to Akim before dismissing him and telling him to pass by the training grounds where Liam is currently training the rookies. After defeating the other kingdom whose king wanted our head for a hunter, we had taken over it and assimilated it to ours, making our island grow bigger and our army stronger. Selena’s father had been a real pain in the ass to his subordinates, much like Luka’s one, so it wasn’t hard to convince them to join us.

Following the merging, other smaller kingdoms had asked to form an alliance with us and after weighing the pros and cons we had agreed, with some conditions, of course. A magic contract was written, and each kingdom signed it, making it so that they wouldn’t ever attack us or do anything that may threaten us. The peace treaty is currently hung above the royal chairs in the audience room to show our acceptance of such a deal and our good will toward the smaller kingdoms.

They have to send some supplies we lack, and we send them what they lack, along with training their soldiers, and if a war was to be fought by one of our allies against a common enemy, we will have to help them. There are some other things, but these are the main ones. Of course, for now, it isn’t a big benefit for us, but with time those kingdoms will grow and maybe one day surpass us. Knowing that they won’t ever act against us and may lend a helping hand in the future is more than enough for now. Alliances were made and friendships were earned.

Everything is wrapping up nicely and now we only need to make sure to raise healthy children.

Hey dear readers, there is only the epilogue left! Hope you enjoyed the book!

It may seem like the story is shorter because it has fewer chapters than the other three, but keep in mind that each chapter is nearly twice the size of the other one, so yeah…

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