Chapter 7

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Bartholomé P.O.V

The wind ruffles my hair, making it look like a bird nest, and causing hairs to venture down my mouth, provoking a coughing fit from me, to try and get the damn ticklish things out of my wet cavity. I spat two last times, before finally coming back to the beautiful view I was so entranced with a few minutes ago. Flying high in the sky while being held in the paws of a cocky dragon isn’t really something I’m accustomed to, which is why I’m having trouble getting my eyes to open up to be able to enjoy the view with how dry they are, even though tears are continuously filling them. 

A floating city suddenly fills my shield of vision, making me gasp and grab the dragon’s thumbs to elevate my body more and get a better angle. It looked like a giant chunk of earth was ripped off the planet, formed in a reversed cone shape and with roots of giant trees coming out of the bottom along with waterfalls. I could see small house carved in the sides of the floating island, prolonged by balconies made of glass, making it possible to see the distant ground while sitting and drinking a lemonade, not that I would be able to do that without peeing myself, but from the way I was seeing so many citizens out on their platform, then I guess it is enjoyable for them. I could see holes in the cone, looking just like airports, but I guess instead of being for airplanes it is made for the dragon’s landing or soaring. However, Luka doesn’t seem to be heading that way, more oriented toward the top of the floating city, where big mansions could be seen, still surpassed by the giant castle looking like it just came out of a Disney movie, just a little darker and more sinister. It really suits Luka.

The imposing rusted chain anchored into the bottom of the island and leading to somewhere in the ground, hidden into a deep valley, answered many questions I had about why the city still didn’t make the headlines, along with the clouds gathered around the hidden paradise. With the way I could smell magic and see ancient runes spiraling down the metal, creating a purple halo around it, I guess they must use some sort of magic to keep their land away from prying eyes. It’s really amazing how the houses on the top half were made to be in harmony with nature, both merging with it and supporting its growth, not like the human city where you were lucky if you could see a single patch of flowers. The branches of the conifers twisting around the walls, looking like it wanted to bring the buildings into its embrace, some habitations even built on the upper half of the trees, kept in place by old, but strong-looking wines. One may think it would make the city look unkempt, but it only seemed to make it more entrancing and powerful, the ancient looking castle not an exception as it was built around the older looking tree, I have ever had the chance to see.

As we approached say building, I could finally see a big balcony that must have the use of hosting the king and his family when speeches are to be done, although now it seems that it will be our landing site with how Luka was racing toward it, ignoring the other dragons flying around us and trying to get his attention. Even though I braced myself for the arrival, I still feel myself shake hard and nearly tumble out of Luka’s hold from the sheer force of the impact. Fortunately, the prince seems to have expected such an outcome and adjusted his grip on me at the last minute to secure me in his intertwined paws.

I let out a huge breath I didn’t know I was holding, before nearly sliding out of Luka’s separated fingers like an otter in the water, exhausted over such strong emotions felt in a short period of time. I don’t think I will take such a similar trip soon in the future. Or ever. I must have lost at least ten years of my short life; I hope the baby wasn’t affected by my rollercoaster of feelings. 

As I lay glued to the cold floor, I sigh of relief from finally finding some ground under me, before jerking from surprise as a chuckle is heard behind me. Turning back, I see a much naked Luka looking at me with fondness and amusement, his green eyes sparkling and popping out even more with the black walls of the castle in the background. I feel my cheeks redden from the sweet attention, before I lift myself from the floor, my mate helping me get up by holding my pit arms with his hands and my waist with his tail. I didn’t even realize that he kept his lizard fifth member, too distracted by my embarrassment and the way I could see another member that isn’t supposed to be there swinging alongside his shaft. Is it supposed to go inside my butt? I think I’m going to break, or at least won’t be able to go to the bathroom for a few days. Note to myself, do not eat spicy food before making love with Luka. 

Honestly, I don’t think I trust my kind prince enough yet to allow him to hold and mark me, one coming with another when talking about soul mates. I can see myself kissing him and doing light sexual acts, but not going to the end so soon. Normally, mates jump on each other right after they meet, and with the way I feel the little sparks climbing down my arms from our connected hands as he leads me inside, I can understand why. I already feel safe and loved with him, our bond strengthened by the close proximity we have been under for the past few days, but I still need a little something to finally allow myself to trust him blindly and to be able to overcome the last final step of our relationship. I just hope he won’t mind me taking my time but knowing him I don’t think he will be. Even though I don’t put my total faith in him, I still trust the dragon a little and the scenario that soon followed our arrival does nothing but strengthen my decision to believe in him.

Coming toward us is an angry looking old man, time seeming to have enjoyed himself into making the grumpy king as wrinkled as possible, his cheeks coming down into two shrunken bags on both side of his mouth, his eyelids stretched downward at the outer edge, being dragged by the fallen skin, and making only half of each nearly white eye appear, hidden with a diagonal bar in the middle. His powder colored hair were starting to fall out in the center, letting us see patch of grey skin splotches on his skull, as if he let a kid play with grey paint just above him, which were similar to the one I could see on what little of his hands were coming out of his heavy looking cloak, say hands being nearly nothing but long claws looking fingers with yellow cracked nails and say cloak being the only good looking thing about him. Not that it is pretty with all the useless gold accessories stitched to it, making the deep magenta of the tissue pop out in an ugly way, but it was better. In fact, with the arctic fox fur running along the edges, it seems quite uselessly expensive. 

Apart from his pale face, which was starting to get red from anger, and his horrifying looking hands, I could see nothing else of the king as he was entirely covered by the cloak, his hunched back making him look like Quasimodo and making him appear smaller than he probably was. Well, I guess he is the king, and thus Luka’s father, with the way a crowns covered by shiny stones is sitting on his head, not quite staying put because of its round shape, in contrast with the oval like head of the man, elongated in the back toward the sky and more flat at the face, like someone just slammed his face into the floor, the idea quite strengthened by the way his big nose covered in bumps hang down toward his thin dry lips stuck into a ruckus. As he opened his mouth, I could see broken black and yellow teeth peeking out from his red irritated gums and smell his decaying breath come toward me, making me reflexively hide behind Luka.

“What kind of dirty thing do you think you can bring into my kingdom, useless child of mine?” the ugly looking ancestor says, making Luka flinch slightly, not in fear like the king seems to think with the smug look that emerges on his wrinkled face, but more of anger, the angry waves coming out of our newly formed bond entering my mind and confirming my guess. I guess the two of them aren’t really fond of each other. As Luka’s alpha pheromones start to spread in the air, his instincts feeling the threat toward his mate and reacting in consequences, I begin to feel lightheaded and uncomfortable, the stuffy air not to my liking and the need to comfort my mate in any way possible strong in my body. 

Mates support each other, I can’t always be the one to receive affection. It’s a mutual and equal relationship, each one of us can have our moment of weakness, it does not make us any less than the other. This time, it’s Luka who needs me. Looping my frail arms around his waist, I press my forehead to his back, leaning on him to get support and also calm him down. Even if the old man wasn’t being nice, I don’t want my Luka to get mad over such a small matter, and even less get in a fight with his dad, who is also the king of his kingdom, nonetheless. 

The situation resulting from such a fight, if it was to happen, wouldn’t end in a good way, I fear.

Hey dear readers, what do you think of this kingdom? Would you like to live there?

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